Does anyone use a 10-50x Sighton on bigger caliber rifles?


New member
I have a 10-50x Sighton which I use on my 6 Dasher and 22BR and am very happy with it overall, cant fault it. Has anyone used one on bigger heavier recoiling calibers? I,m looking for a scope for use in F/TR, so I need something which will stay rock solid for 1000s of rounds with more recoil. Has anyone heard of any issues with them holding to recoil???

I have it on a 6.5x284 but have only put minimal rounds through it probably 100 with no problems and do not expect any. I will be very disappointed if I do because I have heard great things about the scopes and it seems to be a quality product but as I have said only light useage but I will be putting a lot more rounds down the barrel come January.
Good Luck
Brandon J.
I have one on a 7mm SAUM Light gun and one on a 30 HSM (30-375 Ruger) Heavy gun, both have muzzle brakes. So far no issues with either of them.
