Do drop tubes actually work?



I've tried moving away from H322 in my 6ppc to V133 and the best accuracy seems to be at max case capacity (29.6 grs.). At this weight the case is so full that I have to tap it quite a bit to settle the powder enough to seat a bullet. If I don't settle the powder the bullet seems to get pushed out somewhat resulting in a COL that is .015-.020 longer than it should be. What to do?
A longer drop tube with the smallest hole works best. I have a 10 inch long one with a small diameter hole, (a little under 3/16), I got from Bruno's years ago that does a great job.

That will allow you to easily get 30.0+ guns in with no problem.

A short 3 inch long tube will not always, regardless of how slow you drop it.
I had the same problem with my Lyman-Culver and a 3" tube. 28.6 of LT-32 was to the brim. Added a 8.5" tube and that load poured a half-neck shorter. The extra length makes a huge difference.

I use the forester powder funnel with long drop
tube from brownells. Get 31 gr. about half way
up neck. Blue funnel Black tube. Sinclairs
has them also. 30.8 set for a week did not change
seating depth
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Somewhere way back, there was a description of using a new HSS twist drill a little smaller in diameter than the tube suspended in the funnel so that a helix or two was in the tube.

It supplied all the necessary spin to increase the powder capacity of a case significantly - at least it does with my .308 W. The downside is that it needs a little finessing to ensure that kernels aren't trapped by the flutes.
Extended drop tubes are extremely effective with stick powders.

Most often vibration can give you another grain (or three....with big cases)

Stretching a light spring thru the drop tube (ballpoint pen, cut off ends?) works well as does dropping from the 3" tube on the measure into a funnel on the long tube, making the kernels swirl like a toilet (clockwise for yankees) done right this swirlie-whirlie will stack them grains in like cordwood...
Am I being naïve to think that drop tubes actually work by dropping the powder from a slightly higher height to 'pack' it into the case? I could see if there was a ram rod that went into the inner tube to compress the powder but only gravity? Enlighten me please!
With my Harrell's measure, I use the smaller diameter (of the two available) 8" tube. When I have a charge weight that is going to be a tight fit, I approach the point where powder will start to drop carefully, moving the handle slowly. When I first see powder falling in the clear tube, I reverse the handle slightly, just enough to stop the flow, and then go again. For a 6PPC it will take several of these partial drops to complete the charge. I find that the method of dropping is at least as important as the drop tube, in terms of how low in the neck the charge ends up. In the test that I gave the link to, I used the same case and the same exact powder for each filling. The charge was such that when I did a fast drop with the funnel only, the powder overflowed the case, so I had the case on a piece of paper, so that I could catch all of the overflow. I was able to count the granules that spilled and then return them to the scale pan along with those that were in the case for subsequent drops. The reason that I used a funnel, both with and without a drop tube was so that I could reuse the same powder for each filling of the case, eliminating charge variance that would have occurred if I had thrown charges using a measure.
Either get a longer drop tube or increase your neck tension. I'd do both if shooting 133. I never could get that stuff to shoot as well as 322 but got beat by it more times than I care to think about. I don't believe I put enough powder in there and others, the guys that were beating me, said you needed heavy neck tension to make 133 shoot well.
Wilbur is hitting the nail on the head !
A lot of great shooters rifles really crack when fired.
Am I being naïve to think that drop tubes actually work by dropping the powder from a slightly higher height to 'pack' it into the case? I could see if there was a ram rod that went into the inner tube to compress the powder but only gravity? Enlighten me please!

Don't overthink it.

It works.
I have been trying heavy loads with 133 . Two very good shooters Gene Bukys and
Bob Scarbrough load hot. Heard Jackie shoots only two loads with 133 both above
30 gr. I have had some good results Thanks to Billy helping me with process.
It does work. See Jackie you do help people you do not even know !
Thanks to all
Old Indian trick. Tape a 1" piece of white paper to the back side of your powder measure drop tube. Usually when the powder first starts to dump, there will be a glob. With the paper you can see that and slow things down.

Thanks to all, I tried doing a slow pour while tapping and was easily able to fill the case with more than enough room for seating. My logic had to witness it for myself to see that it works though, it sounded too good to be true somehow!
Thanks to all, I tried doing a slow pour while tapping and was easily able to fill the case with more than enough room for seating. My logic had to witness it for myself to see that it works though, it sounded too good to be true somehow!

30.0 gr of 2006 N133 comes not quite half way up the neck for me...............with out tapping.

And, also with out tapping, and with the glass full of ice, I can pour that glass completely full of Templeton Rye.

I can get 30.5 to 31 grains of 133 in my cases with nothing more than a slow sprinkle into my Saturn funnel. Ive never really felt or seen the need for a long drop tube. If your bullet is pushing up because of the powder, you probably need to size your cases another .001 and try again. You don't want your bullets moving in the case. Good luck, and just because I don't see the need for a drop tube doesn't mean they don't work, because they do. Give it a try!! Lee
30.0 gr of 2006 N133 comes not quite half way up the neck for me...............with out tapping.

And, also with out tapping, and with the glass full of ice, I can pour that glass completely full of Templeton Rye.


Dave, I noticed, loading in the barn my load of 10X 30.3 would fill the case to 1/8" in the morning. At noon and 91 degrees it only took 28.2 to fill the cases to the same level!

PS my motor home is now being towed to Ashland, Ky. When they get to the Cedar River you can pull the motor!!

Nope, Jamison 16 yo!!
