I'm with Mike!
The other day at one of our IR 50/50 matches a fellow who has shot his fair share of ABGR targets, and even had managed to pull off a few 250's while doing so, commented about how he didn't like the WRABF targets. When I asked why not, he proceeded to say they were too hard. Can you believe that? I mean, here's a guy who has not only shot multiple 250's in airgun, but who has also shot his fair share in the IR 50/50 game. And he wants an easier target??? I guess in his case it must be a matter of self-gratification when he goes to an event. Although, if you knew the man you would never believe that to be the case at all.
The biggest thing is: when we all sit down to shoot a target, whether it be at the Club Level or International competition, that we are all shooting under the same rules, at the same target and for the same amount of time.
Personally, I love both the 25M and 50Y WRABF Targets as they are one of the most challenging I have yet to see. And there is not a thing wrong with the way the International Rules have been set up - that is so long as we, or any other country, can adjust around the 2 fixed Classes (LV and HV-B) to better suite our needs.
Great job Gentlemen!
Dave Shattuck