ding on chamber



today I let a guy look at my 22 rimfire at the range and he dry fired it.I was told by the person I bought it from to never dryfire the gun cause the firing pin would ding the outside edge of the chamber and it did,not to bad but its there..Will this hurt accuracy if so how do I fix it .The gun is a sporter bench gun with a benchmark barrel and a rem 541s action.
Iron it out

Sounds like a conned breech. Shouldn't hurt the accuracy if corrected. Send the gun back to your smith to get it corrected, and oversee anyone that wants to check out your rifle from now on.
When a non-benchrest shooter wants to see one of my rifles, it's without the bolt. Even experienced shooters may dry fire it on you. But, I barely touched it! They've never seen a <2 oz. trigger.

Try rolling the ding out with the shank end of a approx 3/16" drill. Usually they come out with very little pressure and you only need to to put it in the chamber a quarter inch or so and roll around to iron out the ding.
Check Brownell's for something called a "chamber iron". You can likely fix it yourself if you get one. They're not expensive.--Mike

I was chambering some rounds there is no sign of the ding showing up on the case. They also chamber just fine but when you fire the round and look you can see the sign of the ding on the rim..
I was chambering some rounds there is no sign of the ding showing up on the case. They also chamber just fine but when you fire the round and look you can see the sign of the ding on the rim..

I have seen them deep enough they hurt ignition.
