Charles is correct, many years back, for a gentleman over-seas, using HIS dies & presses, I made some extreme VLD tye bullets, featuring an extremely LONG BT: pre-forming the BT, as Greg described (above) was necessary. Also the core-form die pre-formed the BT, which necessitated droping the cores 'right-side-up', as opposed to either end up - another PINTA!
The relatively SHORT BTs, which are featured on the BIB bullets (Bob-Tails, as I am calling them), circumvent this pre-forming . Charles and others can attest to the quality of the BIB Bob-Tails, which are offered in .25;6mm; and .308 - relative precision of the BIB BTs has proven fully equal to the FB versions.
For the BIB ogives/meplats (form), the short BTs, featured on the new BIB BT line, as calculated via JBM Ballistics (Drag/Twist Calculations) provide fully 98% of the BC potential.

Shorter may just be better . . .

I believe that history has proven: once [G1] BC exceeds .5, "the monkey is on the shooters back." For something which, "won't work", the original BIB 187 Gr. FB (Doppler measured .525 BC) has a pretty AWESOME record, with win/place/shows, and RECORDS in drastic disproportion to its opportunities.

But, I'm hi-jacking the thread: making the LONG (VLD type) BTs is a PINTA!