


Deletions for no reason will eventually destroy this forum. Some people have no business being a super moderator. FIJFI.
Fi & Deletion

Madrox, Your original post was about the nastiness of some exchanges on the board. Wonder how and why your original post was deleted?

It is worth noting, that none of the well established, accomplished, and knowledgeable Rimfire shooters, seem to pour out the vitriol. The sad part is that many of those who could, and used to, contribute seem to have stopping making posts.

But yours was a good observation. The premise, I believe, of the board is to exchange information, but more and more of the treads seem to be confrontational. As Henry Kissinger said, “University politics are vicious precisely because the stakes are so small.”

I cannot verify this, but from recollection, it seems that this kind of behavior is relatively new to this board. In my mind's eye it appears to have started about a year ago, but has been gaining momentum. Of course, those who engage in it just make themselves look small, rather than large and important. Too much time on their hands?

We know Wilbur monitors things well, and tries to keep the free ads off the board, and sometimes removes the really bad exchanges. But I doubt if he wants to be a referee in all the silly spats.

Goes back to the olds saw: "The less one knows the louder one shouts."

Our option, as with bad entertainment on radio and TV, is to hit the OFF button.

Here is to 2011, and hoping things hit a higher note. Best wishes and thank you for your observation. Doug Miller
Waiting ...

Me too.

Took the conservative approach, because change usually comes slower than we would like. Takes time to flush any system :)

Hope you're absolutely correct, Caddilac. Best wishes for all things in 2010 !!
DOUG MILLER;545980 I cannot verify this said:
Then you haven't been around long. If a man makes an accusation but doesn't have the balls to carry it through, not much of a man. Just my humble opinion.
Since Fred has had problems thinking that I am advertising here, which in a way I am and a way I'm not because there is nothing to gain, and I am a match director, I would think that, if I didn't know his love and respect for me, he may be aiming that at me.

I will say this on behalf of any match director out there. If you're given the chance to help, and I always offer anybody the job of plugging or rough scoring, and you don't take it, don't complain. Also, there's always a two minute review period. So, it's really on you.
Madrox, Your original post was about the nastiness of some exchanges on the board. Wonder how and why your original post was deleted?

It is worth noting, that none of the well established, accomplished, and knowledgeable Rimfire shooters, seem to pour out the vitriol. The sad part is that many of those who could, and used to, contribute seem to have stopping making posts.

But yours was a good observation. The premise, I believe, of the board is to exchange information, but more and more of the treads seem to be confrontational. As Henry Kissinger said, “University politics are vicious precisely because the stakes are so small.”

I cannot verify this, but from recollection, it seems that this kind of behavior is relatively new to this board. In my mind's eye it appears to have started about a year ago, but has been gaining momentum. Of course, those who engage in it just make themselves look small, rather than large and important. Too much time on their hands?

We know Wilbur monitors things well, and tries to keep the free ads off the board, and sometimes removes the really bad exchanges. But I doubt if he wants to be a referee in all the silly spats.

Goes back to the olds saw: "The less one knows the louder one shouts."

Our option, as with bad entertainment on radio and TV, is to hit the OFF button.

Here is to 2011, and hoping things hit a higher note. Best wishes and thank you for your observation. Doug Miller

I think you been nipping the bottle and it's only Sunday morning. What you said makes no sense.
Hya Guys,
I am currently writing an article on target shooting forums for the online magazine Target Shooter. Since I only shoot benchrest I have started the article all about Benchrest Central since they have been good to us over the year in letting us post when the next issue is out.
My views on the forum are that it is a great place for information on a number of subjects and it doesn’t matter if you’re a novice, spectator or specialist, there is always something for everyone on here.
The last couple of months for some members seem more to be about point scoring than anything else, maybe they would be better to take it to private messages or even better via email and leave the forum for what it was intended for which in my view is sharing information, advice, talking about new products, Peoples achievements. Having a debate on issues I think is great, but having debates about individuals should be done some other place.
I visit a number of forums because of the magazine, its not very often I see big arguments going on as I think the moderators do a good job in controlling things, this is one of the biggest and I think it must be more difficult, but what I do notice that in the other parts of this website arguments don’t go on like here in Rimfire, maybe some should think about what they write and how they write and take a page out of other parts of this forum.

Hya Beau,
The magazine is a free magazine and this forum has been kind enough to let us post a message each month to say the next issue is available. I decided to do an article about target shooting forums and in particular this is to show our thanks but also to promote our sport firstly and to show readers who maybe just getting into the sport the place to come which one of them being Benchrest Central for the very best info around.

I think most would agree that advertising our sport will keep it alive and well with the help of forums like this and magazines like ours, is that a bad thing?

I was only joking Andy. You can post whatever you want as far as I'm concerned. I guess there is a difference in free and zero profit.
Rimfire Benchrest

If a post related to rimfire benchrest shooting was deleted I need to know about it - subjective as that statement may be.

As far as "advertising" goes, let's just drop that altogether. I started it and shouldn't have. If someone thinks this forum will benefit them enough to make an "advertising" post then they may want to buy a more permanent ad when they learn how inexpensive it is.

I don't want the moderators to lose friends. I've lost a few by playin' the odds in terms of what IS happening here and what COULD happen here. It seems to have become "us against them" or "I win and you lose" and I'm really trying hard to get away from that but folks are persistent. There's an "elephant in the room" that we need to chase away.

"There's an "elephant in the room" that we need to chase away. "

Just do it.
Okay, call me stupid but an "elephant in the room" as I always understood it was something unpleasant that nobody wanted to address, so it went ignored. I don't see the elephant here except everybody bitches at each other. Or maybe it is the US vs THEM thing. But I doubt that was started here. So, what is the elephant in the room.
I have deleted some posts and I have deleted some threads altogether. It is always a judgement call and it is possible that I have been wrong some.

I do not delete posts that might be called advertising as long as it is posted by a regular forum member.

I do not delete posts that are supporting certain gunsmiths. I respect them all and I am glad they have supporters.

I have seen posts that should have been handled by personal contact but I have not deleted them.

I delete spam when I see it. That is the easy part.

I have deleted posts or threads that are personal attacks on others. Others does not include Wilbur or me.

I have deleted threads and posts that were started for the sake of starting an argument and could not possibly bring anything good. I have found that it is best to do this before they going.

About the elephant in the room. It is in and it has about five supporters who form a clique. We know who they are and they know who they are. It is no secret. They probably are good guys at a range and have many friends but they have discovered that they have power in numbers and this forum brings them together.

It appears that they would destroy the Rimfire Benchrest Forum and consider it a victory. Even though I try, I will never completely understand some people.

Concho Bill
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There are four or five cliques like that. There are individuals that rarely post that undermine the integrity of rimfire by their actions. There are super moderators who are not exactly unbiased.

However, if a guy wakes up feeling grumpy on Sunday morning and has the balls to accuse a match director of cheating (yes he used no names but there's little doubt; there's also little doubt that post was controlled by the leader of clique you rarely hear from.) he ought to have the balls to name him.

Just because you lose does not mean you were cheated. Most of the time you just lose.