Debt reduction?

If I have my facts straight....there's only one Representative to have EVER voted no on all the budget bills presented to him.

Ron Paul......

With that said, I'm not a real big fan of RP nor do I live in his district in Texas......wasn't a RP supporter when he ran for Pres.

I DO think that it's way past time for us to rethink the Republican/Democrat thing and look towards the Libertarians.

It's been hold my nose and vote for the least smelly candidate the last few elections....I'm tired of doing that.

I'd like a candidate with fresh ideas AND the grapes in his sack to follow through with implementation.
Tuesday morning, 15 October. My gawd! The Conservative Republicans in Congress have got to be the most dyslectic group of idiots ever elected to that body. Where do we find dummies and saboteurs like this?

The Republican party needs a new speaker and a thorough house cleaning. The Republican Party Is A Joke. The American people are not going to forget these folks come the next election.
What is Barack and Dirty Harry objecting to this time. The Republicans have offered both some improvements to the ACA. They want Barack and Harry to live by the same law that they rammed thru with no Republican votes...then changed unilaterally by Barack to favor his friends. I know that this Congress has no spine, but Barack needs to be Impeached for both "High crimes" and "misdemeanors". When the chief executive (Barack) will not enforce valid laws, and change laws already passed, that my friends is a "high crime". Wake up America.....James
If I have my facts straight....there's only one Representative to have EVER voted no on all the budget bills presented to him.

Ron Paul......


The RP's of Texas are the only two Presidential candidates we have had in modern times that were worth a fiddlers dingy-thingy.

I voted for Ross and Ron when they time Kingfish Long (or Ed Snowden)??

I see we will be in the SOS (Same Old S**T) next election if most people, like Mock, keep voting back in the SOS...and they will!!
Get real!

The Republicans have offered both some improvements to the ACA.

Let's see...

The Tea Party Republicans vowed to defund the ACA, something they knew they could not achieve from the get go, in order to kill a law passed by both houses of Congress , signed by the POTUS and upheld by the SCOTUS. Then, they vowed to "delay" (read "kill") it a year. When they couldn't deliver either killing or delaying it, they held the federal budget hostage thereby costing billions and creating suffering for millions of innocent people. Now, they want to repeal the medical device tax provision in order to kill partial funding of the ACA.

These measures are "some improvements???"
The Tea Party Republicans are doing just what their constituents put them in office to do. Find any way possible to stop ObamaCare and reduce spending. Not sure that you have noticed through your blinders but a lot more folks in this country disapprove of ObamaCare than approve of it. Of the 40% that do approve of ObamaCare 1/3 of them don't really know what it is. They just like it because the democrats came up with it. I suspect you would fall in that 1/3.
The Tea Party Republicans are doing just what their constituents put them in office to do. Find any way possible to stop ObamaCare and reduce spending. Not sure that you have noticed through your blinders but a lot more folks in this country disapprove of ObamaCare than approve of it. Of the 40% that do approve of ObamaCare 1/3 of them don't really know what it is. They just like it because the democrats came up with it. I suspect you would fall in that 1/3.

I suspect that far fewer than 1/3 of the people know what "obamacare" really is. There were lots of claims from the proponents of "obamacare", none of the claims turn out to be true.
I suspect that far fewer than 1/3 of the people know what "obamacare" really is. There were lots of claims from the proponents of "obamacare", none of the claims turn out to be true.

I suspect that 1/3 000,000 Americans know and I will bet that 1/300 in Congress even read the outline!
They just like it because the democrats came up with it. I suspect you would fall in that 1/3.

Actually, it's just the opposite-- those who oppose the ACA don't like it because the POTUS came up with it. I suspect you are in that category.
If its such a great thing why doesn't obama and his ilk join up?
debt reduction.

Any time a bill {or law} Gives the federal government control over your personal bank accounts , That law becomes anarchy.
section 59 of the ACA. Gives such authority to The federal government. also you mush have a end of life Plan"""
There,s a lot more too, Rationed care at older ages . Denial of care to some. It also discriminates against some groups. allowing some to opt out and other to be
Mandatory with Fines if you don't comply. IT stinks ITs corrupt to say the least.
Only idiots could come up with such an Unjust law. It was passed behind closed doors by ONLY Democrats,
It was not a bipartason law agreed to by both partys, IT was decided on by a corrupt supreme court deciding that it was a tax and therefore Legal
Debt Reduction

If it s so great how about making it mandatory for only Democrats. All Democrats must sign up. Republicans and others can opt out with no strings attached.
If Democrats don't sign up they will be fined by the IRS and penalized , with possible leins against their personal property.
All Democrat memebers of Government will have this coverage for life , no exceptions, , It will be funded by memeber,s of Congress thru Tax deductions from their pay checks.
Congress will no longer have the ability to make other funds outside of Government. Congress will have a 40 hr week day 5 days a week , no overtime, and must be available,
for votes on the decision making process 7 days a week , I have other provisions in mind .
Maybe I should list them one at a time. Lets treat congress like other employees at certain firms...
Remark not appreciated.......

Don't we just love figures.
The Jewish accountant would ask: Vhat do you want the figures to show?

Oh, and figures lie and liars figure.

You couldn't have chosen a plain, ordinary accountant....your mind chose a Jewish one. Shame on you!
Debt Reduction

as we char about this The Republicans have scheduled a vote to extend the borrowing limits of the Government.

They have buckeled under pressure from the Press and public opinion.
I wonder if they are ever going to get a sensible budget in the future.
They have buckeled under pressure from the Press and public opinion.
I wonder if they are ever going to get a sensible budget in the future.

I'm not sure this was a "buckle" or if it was orchestrated. You must remember the power, now, behind the GOP is the "Neocons". Research that and you will find that is a bunch who came over to the GOP from the Democratic apparatus and are now a major power behind both the GOP and the Dems.

The GOP leadership, if they were true to their public claims and their mandate from the base, would not have caved!!!

For starters-

Note the references to the PNAC organization. Note too, that in many articles it is stated that PNAC shut has not!!