Dave Brennan contact?

Does anyone know . . .

What is the copyright status of the contents of PS magazine?
Many shooters would benefit from the online availability of some of the excellent articles published over the years.

I'm not sure.

Dr. Dick Maretzo, a pretty well known BR shooter and dentist, was a partner in P.S. Magazine. If he's still around, maybe he could be of help on this? I do think there's a market for an online source for all the P.S. articles...I know I would certainly pay for it.

Here's the letter P.S. subscribers received regarding ending publication. As painful as this must have been to author, the man's wit and humor still bubble to the top. I'd like to think this nod to his water cooler line would get a grudging laugh from him. ;)

Darn sad day.....:(

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I am now in possession of #5 Superior Rifle, once owned by a John Ambler of Colorado. If anyone knows of him I am collecting background on this rifle. I know it was sold by him and transferred hads several times. It is now a glue-in with an unk 6x50 barrel. My new toy i guess....

So anyone who has some 5.6x50 RWS brass in the closet, please send it my way...I need dies too!

BTW, The good dentist Maretzo was my coach at the BR school put on in Upstate NY back about 15 years ago. Fine man who was very patient with me.