Dan Brown 750 43X Wins Holbrook Indoor BR off of Bags! Scoreline Results.


Paul Bendix

Holbrook, MA Indoor 25 yard Scoreline Match Results. 10 shooters

Shooter Class Equiptment T-1 T-2 T-3 Total

Dan Brown HV FX custom 250 18x 250 14x 250 11x 750 43x

Daniel Finney HV M-ROD custom 248 12x 248 9x 249 13x 745 34x

Doug Shea HV Theoben Custom 248 13x 248 11x 247 14x 743 38x

Mark Normandin HV Theoben Custom 243 8x 244 9x 238 4x 725 21x

David Shuttuck HV Theoben Custom 242 6x 243 8x 236 4x 721 18x

Norm Lieber USA-O FWB 238 6x 241 10x 239 4X 718 20x

Paul Bendix LV AA S-400 MPR-FT 248 7x 248 12x 249 8x 745 27x

Tony Morra LV AA S-400 MPR-FT 240 4x 244 13x 243 6x 727 23x

Al Joly USA-OPEN FX-Royal 244 9x 248 15x 244 12x 736 36x

Franky Monroe USA-OPEN M-Rod 225 4x 218 0x 221 2x 664 6x

Thanks for David and Dan with the scoring help.
Mark for bringing the muffins
Every one on the help with setting up the range and take down.

Welcome Mark back, and a new shooter Tony. Didn't get Tony's friends name. Hope he shoots next time.
Thanks for letting Mark and Tony use your guns to shoot.
Dan and Daniel thanks for letting us see both your new projects. Both your guns are shooting great! and off sand bags too.

Next shoot Nov. 5 Holbrook indoors. I will bring another gun to use as a loaner.

Will add pictures later.

Relay one L to R
Doug, Dave, Tony,Daniel, Norm


Relay 2 waiting and learning from Dan
L-R AL, Franky, Dan, Mark FX/Indy/TWIN on table 750 43X!!

Dan with his winning bench setup.

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As always, thanks for having the match. Once again it was a good time spent with good people. Now the question becomes, what are we going to do to keep up with Dan and Daniel?

Great shooting to everyone, although I must admit, it's a little embarrassing to show up with around a thousand dollars worth of rest only to be shown up by these two whippersnappers who are using less than $100 worth of bags, front and rear. :confused::eek: :eek: :eek: Oh well, maybe next time.

Good luck to both Dan and Daniel down in Tennessee at the FT Nationals next weekend. Do I smell another Championship Trophy - or two - coming back to New Hampshire? The only question in my mind is, who is going to be first, and who will be second?

Another First

I just posted the scores and it dawned on me, yes, it is early.

Dan Brown shot the first 750 on 3 international targets. I know it was indoors and at 25 yards but that 10 ring is only 2mm OD. The bar has been raised, once again. Congratulations Dan and good luck next weekend.
After careful analyst I have found the reason for Dans success is the secret sand in the bag. I have tons of it available for sale.

Another thing as I am a bit analytical................Dan is the only one using a blue plastic stool........I have them for sale also.

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Lol. It is a secret blend of black beauty, belly button lint, and pixie dust. Stool is not so important, just needs to be coated with lead dust from the range.

After careful analyst I have found the reason for Dans success is the secret sand in the bag. I have tons of it available for sale.

Another thing as I am a bit analytical................Dan is the only one using a blue plastic stool........I have them for sale also.

You might be right on the stool! Dan's Drummers stool would not adj. low enough for out 32 inch high benches. The step stool was in the range and liked that. I have it listed on ebay this morning. Wish I got a picture of his barrel indexig gauge.

Targets view of Dan


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Paul, Thanks for another great shoot! You and all the gents at the club go out of your way to make everyone feel welcome. A special thanks to Dave Shattuck for lending me his gun for the shoot. Also I'd like to thank Dan Brown for allowing me to shoot a target with his wondergun, unbelievably accurate! See you in Nov.

Mark N
Dan, I personally wish to thank you for your contribution to air rifle benchrest. You like the few before you that dwell in the world of "What if" make the rest of us realize that sound judgement and talent work where money does not............................you are a very talented man.
Congratulations on showing us that anything is possible.

Respectfully, Frank Tirrell
Paul, this guy is really making us DA's that spend a bunch of money on accuracy look really bad.

First off I am sure if you check the rule book you will find that two tubes are not allowed on one gun Page 28 line 13 2nd edition.
Second, is he in this country legally?
Third, shooting off other than regulation stools is illegal and grounds for disqualification.
Fourth, rotating your barrel during a match and shooting a perfect score is not only illegal but impossible.............everybody knows that.
Fifth, can you get me an autographed picture of the man? Have him sign it "To my friend Frank"

Waiting in Texas
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Awesome Shooting, Dan!

Not only is the 750 by itself impressive, but that X count is incredible, too! I'm hoping to make it out for the Nov. shoot and will try to drag Rick along.
Frank you should have been a comedian;) Spending lots of money on accuracy is part of the fun of this hobby, trust me, my gun aint cheap, just my rest. I would like to get a mechanical rest at some point but for now my gun wears a compromise stock since it is used for benchrest and field target. Mark N may build a benchrest stock for me and at that point I'll probably build a mechanical rest.

Paul, this guy is really making us DA's that spend a bunch of money on accuracy look really bad.

First off I am sure if you check the rule book you will find that two tubes are not allowed on one gun Page 28 line 13 2nd edition.
Second, is he in this country legally?
Third, shooting off other than regulation stools is illegal and grounds for disqualification.
Fourth, rotating your barrel during a match and shooting a perfect score is not only illegal but impossible.............everybody knows that.
Fifth, can you get me an autographed picture of the man? Have him sign it "To my friend Frank"

Waiting in Texas
That would be great if you and Rick could make it. Let me know before and I'll try to get my brother to come along.

Not only is the 750 by itself impressive, but that X count is incredible, too! I'm hoping to make it out for the Nov. shoot and will try to drag Rick along.
Almost Franky, I shot my heavy varmint rig last and it didn't do so good, averaging about 242. The 250 at the worlds was the first day with my ev2. My heavy rig has had a lot of barrel work since the worlds.

Dan, Congrat's, Counting last Card at World's, You have 4 250s in a row ?.....Franky
Dan and Daniel,
I just found out you both did very well at the Mass State Field Target. Dan winning the shoot off for PCP class. Daniel winning
Hunter class with his M-ROD. Great shooting guys and good luck at the nationals.



Pictures from FT Forum.

They could win seating on their FT pillow.

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Paul wasn't kidding about the barrel indexing during the match. Dan has this nifty little coroplast wheel that's marked like a clock that he tapes onto the barrel, then was literally rotating it shot-after-shot during the match. He said because of not having enough free-time during the match he couldn't tell much from it. Christ, after shooting back-to-back-to-back 250's, what's there to tell? Just tighten the damn thing down right where it is, and forgetaboutit!!!

Also, note in Dan's picture the neat tensioning system he came up with for his gun when shooting FT. Guess it's okay so long as you don't get a cramp?

As I asked before, how the heck are we going to keep up with Dan. I mean, everything he's done so far, to both his and Daniel's guns, has done nothing but distanced them from the rest. But, luckily, they are both great to have around because, unless you have to win to have fun, you know you are competing with the best of the best, and thus it keeps you on your toes match in and match out. And two nicer people cannot be found... anywhere!

Dave Shattuck
Thanks Dave. I'll tell you something, a good 90% of the stuff I do to the guns either doesn't work or makes it worse. It can be very frustrating at times. Daniel's regulator is giving us problems this week. It was working good for the longest time then we decided to tinker with it and now it is being very fickle. The debounce hammer on the other hand was a rarity, the original prototype worked great, increased efficiency 25%. I'm thinking of trying this design in a rapid, anyone want to be a guinea pig?


Paul wasn't kidding about the barrel indexing during the match. Dan has this nifty little coroplast wheel that's marked like a clock that he tapes onto the barrel, then was literally rotating it shot-after-shot during the match. He said because of not having enough free-time during the match he couldn't tell much from it. Christ, after shooting back-to-back-to-back 250's, what's there to tell? Just tighten the damn thing down right where it is, and forgetaboutit!!!

Also, note in Dan's picture the neat tensioning system he came up with for his gun when shooting FT. Guess it's okay so long as you don't get a cramp?

As I asked before, how the heck are we going to keep up with Dan. I mean, everything he's done so far, to both his and Daniel's guns, has done nothing but distanced them from the rest. But, luckily, they are both great to have around because, unless you have to win to have fun, you know you are competing with the best of the best, and thus it keeps you on your toes match in and match out. And two nicer people cannot be found... anywhere!

Dave Shattuck

Just tell me when you want it, and where to deliver it and you can play with mine. And don't feel limited to just working with the hammer if you feel like taking on the regulator as well.
