Culver powder measure


Newish to benchrest and I have been preloading rounds and weighing power but I want to get a volume measure.

I was lucky enough to have my gunsmith lend me an old Culver measure, I know they may be tough to come by but I'd really like find one for sale and was wondering if anyone knew if there was one available.

Any help is appreciated.
you might want to tell us what you are loading big deal preloading for score nor long range...
don't follow, unless you know why..

mike in co
Actually loading for both of what you mentioned, score and in the process of having a rifle built for long range matches.

I had gone in with a friend on reloading equipment when we both took the step/fall/downward spiral into getting bullet holes really close together. We are now splitting up our original purchases and both getting our own equipment. I'm in need of a powder measuring source and have had the chance the use the Culver and liked it, faster than a scale, portable, opens up the option of loading at the range, etc. I can still use the scale that my friend got in the split but want to build my set of equipment.

Having the opportunity to get a new measure, I'm looking at the Neil Jones unit but would like to find a Culver if it doesn't turn out to be an inobtanium.
go do some searches on powder scales powder measures

do some need to load at the range for either.....
look into something different( like i said do not follow unless you know why)

short range br shooters are lemmings..they do what the other guy does with no questions.
the use of a thrower with the most popular powder..n133. is counter to true accuracy.
it does not throw well at all..

so what powders ???

for your two disciplines.. either a charge master with a batt pack if you want to go load at the range,
or a lab scale....both about the same cost and close to what you asked about...

mike in co
If you want a reasonably priced accurate-as-any powder measure (culver type), give Lynwood Harrell a call @ 540 380 2683. He'll send you one to try, if you don't like it, send it back...if you do like it, pay for it. Simple.

Don't knock it until you have used one.
There was nine hundred made I believe.

Yes I have one.
No it is not for sale.

Use a plastic Hornaday baffle.

Good luck.

other than you want one,
why ??
you do not need to load at the range, so why do it ??
you did not mention the powders you will be using....
they are not as accurate as some people would like to believe.
the bigger the grain size the less accurate..typically.
the charge master is not my first choice, but if you want to load at the range it does
work well and seems to hold plus or minus .1 or so. throwers dont do that...

mike in co
He didn't say what kind of benchrest that he is pursuing, and to say that he doesn't need to load at the range seems a bit misdirecting. In the short range game, the vast majority do, and for good reason. They want to win. Most loads that I am aware of, won't tolerate a 25 degree temperature swing that can happen through a match day.
If you like oldies and goodies, pick up a SAECO Micro-measure. The shape of the cavity, and what feeds it, as well as the drum fit are as good as you will find. Those of us that have been around for a while will remember the Masker conversion of this top flight measure. I have two (originals, not the conversions), one that looked like it had never been used when I got it. Like Francis, I have done a lot of practicing with measures and a good scale, and recommend that. My Harrell's goes to the range because it is the most convenient in many ways, but when it gets down to which one has and advantage as far as internal geometry, the Harrell's takes a little more work to get to the same place than the SAECO.
boyd and others, please read post number four...
i did not know there was a 6 day 4 rifle event for score ??
all ya'all have a good day
mike in co
I saw a "Culver type Lyman conversion w/Neil Jones conversion insert , on the classifieds, for $125. Don't know if it is still there, but I would say that is on hell of a good price, knowing the quality of Neil Jones dies, powder measures, doo dads. Check it out.
Newish to benchrest and I have been preloading rounds and weighing power but I want to get a volume measure.

I was lucky enough to have my gunsmith lend me an old Culver measure, I know they may be tough to come by but I'd really like find one for sale and was wondering if anyone knew if there was one available.

Any help is appreciated.
I have one and it is for sale. It's an original H. Culver converion in a Lyman 55 and also has a Jones bottle conversion on it. Email to ppcshooter @ if interested. Jim Bailey