Crawfish Shoot Results

William Smith

New member
Well, the results have been sent in, and the range is quiet once more and another Crawfish shoot is now history. We, as a group, represented the entire spectrum of guns, accessories, ammo, shooters and gunsmiths to start our season off in good fashion. Guns from Falcons to ULA, accessories from Edgewood to Protector, Shooters from Alabama to Wisconsin, ammo from Eley to RWS and gunsmiths from Calfee to Voelker. We had to compromise with the weatherman, with dry and warm conditions on Saturday, and cool, wet and windy on Sunday. However, the most common factor involved was, I believe, a good time was shared by all. Saturdays results were championed by Steve,"Fiddler" Lloyd driving a set of "Gorhams Gals" to a 250-18X win in the 10.5 lb. class, a 2-Gun agg. win with a 499-29X, and a 3-Gun agg. win with a 746-42X. This showed us that with Steve's shooting skills matched with Richard Gorhams equipment will be the one to contend with this season, and this accomplishment was done without the use of "Black magic and mirrors". Sunday the results were shared by Doug Bell with a beautiful Falcon winning the 2-Gun agg. with a 497-31X, and "Big Mike" Cameron shooting his fantastic Suhl to a 3-Gun agg. of 744-33X. I have to mention a "new" Shooter who gave us a lesson on Saturday with his first 250 in Sporter class, using his newly acquired ULA, Vick Sharp led the way and started the day, great shooting Vick! I want to thank everyone who helped make this another memorable match, the Scoring Crew, Doug Bell and Phil Deese, the Target Crew, Lew Beaudrot, Steve and David Hanna, the Referees, Emory Smith, Mike Cameron, Mike Trunzo, John Spafford, and Gerald Higdon, and Doug Weeter our computer specialist,and finally, an exceptional group of shooters. Thanks for all the support and I hope everyone made it home safely and I look forward to seeing you all during the season and at next years "Crawfish Shoot". Thumper
Always good to hear that you are alive and well the morning after - and as cheerful as ever!
Thanks Wilbur, good to hear from ya! Sorry you didn't make it this year, we had a good time, although, quite dampish on Suday. At least it had stopped raining by pack-up time, that was a slight consulation. Thumper