Cost of Guns Screws..

Another good way to trim up scope base screws is to tap a scrap piece of steel. At work, I have a peice about .080" thick, 5/8 wide, and 6" long. One end has a 6-48 hole, and the other end has a 8-40 hole. Screw it in the hole until the desired length that you want to grind off is sticking out. Hold the back side with a screw driver, and grind down to the holder. Most of the time, the burr is so minimal it needs no attention. It also knocks the burr off as it is unscrewed from the piece. The wider piece of steel works good to rest on the tool rest. When you grind it down to one thread thick, cut it off, and put a new hole in it. I have even ground plug screws down to a couple threads this way.

Just don't use your finger or thumb on the head. It leaves a nice screw head burn real fast. :eek:


Plus one+. I'm glad you took the trouble to post your answer. I have done this and have been for more than 30 years. I found this tip in"GUNSMITH KINKS" from Brownell's years ago. The only thing I would like to add, is the use of a hundred grit or finer grinding wheel on a 6" pedestal grinder works like a charm.

I want to mention that the roll threaded screws were light years better than the cut thread screws. Since MAYNORD BUHLER went out of business, I haven't found then again.
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For everyone using bench grinders the single best thing you can do to get a burr free chamfer is to make sure your wheel is dressed and running true. I usually end up using whatever wheel is in my tool and cutter grinder since it is always dressed well. You wouldn't believe the results it will give over the old bench grinder. A sanding disc is a good alternative also.
Thanks for the info guys. While we are on the subject of screws, would someone enlighten me on a good way of cutting them to length.

I use a lot of 1/4 x 20, 1/4 x 28, 10 x 32, 8 x 32, 6 x 32 and often need to cut them to a specific length. For example, the 1/4 x 28 screw that secures the buttstock to the action on my stocks must be right on 2.100, which gives me .250 of good threads. Less and you run the risk of stripping, more and you run into the bottom of the blind hole.


Gene Beggs


Make a little threaded jig/holder using a piece of 1/2 inch round or hex steel with a threaded hole for your screw cut/bored to the appropriate length for your various requirements. You'll have to counterbore the back side for short screws. Make a slit lengthwise so the holder grips the screw shank when gripped in three jaw chuck, trim with sharp bit or cut off tool.

If you have a 5c collet set up you might use an emergency collet bored and threaded to hold the screw.

More ideas:

Loads of good ideas in general:


Go to that last link, look at the clip in the upper right corner and convince me that the headstock's not running backwards for the drill bit... :)

IMHO Fastenal are crooks...

I went to the Fastenal to buy some .250 X .750 cone point set screws. They did not have them. Said they would have to order them from store 25 miles away. I paid for them by leaving my credit card number and they were supposed to drop ship straight to my shop. After two weeks they had not arrived. I called and they were on the floor at the Fastenal store in my town. I stopped by to pick them up and they had charged me $116.00 for a box of 100. I did not look at the bill until getting home. I called them and they said that was the correct price. I called Wilders another Fastener house in my city. They had the same brand set screws for $23.00. Butch Lambert gave me the number of a fastener shop in Texas where he shops and I called them and the same set screws were just over $8 per hundred. I wrote Fastenal HQs a letter and they did not even respond. I would not give them the sweat off my back side if their store was on fire.


Go to that last link, look at the clip in the upper right corner and convince me that the headstock's not running backwards for the drill bit... :)



It looks correct to me. Just as the spindle stops, I see it moving much slower for the last few degrees of rotation.
I wonder what others see?

Jay, Idaho

It looks correct to me. Just as the spindle stops, I see it moving much slower for the last few degrees of rotation.
I wonder what others see?

Jay, Idaho

I just see a little web animation movie made to spiff up the guy's website. I didn't expect it to be a high level technical documentation. So no big deal to me.

Frank has a lot of good stuff there that he shares for free.

I went to the Fastenal to buy some .250 X .750 cone point set screws. They did not have them. Said they would have to order them from store 25 miles away. I paid for them by leaving my credit card number and they were supposed to drop ship straight to my shop. After two weeks they had not arrived. I called and they were on the floor at the Fastenal store in my town. I stopped by to pick them up and they had charged me $116.00 for a box of 100. I did not look at the bill until getting home. I called them and they said that was the correct price. I called Wilders another Fastener house in my city. They had the same brand set screws for $23.00. Butch Lambert gave me the number of a fastener shop in Texas where he shops and I called them and the same set screws were just over $8 per hundred. I wrote Fastenal HQs a letter and they did not even respond. I would not give them the sweat off my back side if their store was on fire.


Holy $%&#!!!! That would piss me off too...

I've been using them for years out of Houston. With good service.

Sorry about your experience.

I have been in 2 Fastenal stores. They are the most rude and highest price hardware store that I have been in. I wasn't too smart as I went back the second time. I wouldn't buy a washer from them if they were the last pace on earth!
I have been in 2 Fastenal stores. They are the most rude and highest price hardware store that I have been in. I wasn't too smart as I went back the second time. I wouldn't buy a washer from them if they were the last pace on earth!

Well I must admit, I have a purchaser that deals with them mostly, and I always buy bulk. When I have spoke with them on the phone, no problems though. Sounds like their retail sales need some shaking down.

I was really happy to see a new Fastenal open in my town also. I went in there 2 separate times and won't go back. My local hardware is a lot nicer to deal with. Fastenal has almost anything you could want but only in boxes of 100.. I do have another bolt supplier about 20 miles away that has everything and they sell single piece also, just a lot farther to drive.

Joe Hynes
Try CBS.........

Fasteners, Anaheim, California. 714-779-6368 Gerald Bozarth, or John Cunningham. They reportedly had, at one time, THE best 6/48 & 8/40 screws in the world, according to Tetra's Rob Kothe. HTH;)
I am a consumer. Sounds like the guys on page 1 are suppliers.

I balked at $16 for 8 scope mount screws. I didnt need em that bad. Couple weeks later I found 8 in a plastic bag with allen wrench for $5. Took it home for sure.