Big Al
Another good way to trim up scope base screws is to tap a scrap piece of steel. At work, I have a peice about .080" thick, 5/8 wide, and 6" long. One end has a 6-48 hole, and the other end has a 8-40 hole. Screw it in the hole until the desired length that you want to grind off is sticking out. Hold the back side with a screw driver, and grind down to the holder. Most of the time, the burr is so minimal it needs no attention. It also knocks the burr off as it is unscrewed from the piece. The wider piece of steel works good to rest on the tool rest. When you grind it down to one thread thick, cut it off, and put a new hole in it. I have even ground plug screws down to a couple threads this way.
Just don't use your finger or thumb on the head. It leaves a nice screw head burn real fast.
Plus one+. I'm glad you took the trouble to post your answer. I have done this and have been for more than 30 years. I found this tip in"GUNSMITH KINKS" from Brownell's years ago. The only thing I would like to add, is the use of a hundred grit or finer grinding wheel on a 6" pedestal grinder works like a charm.
I want to mention that the roll threaded screws were light years better than the cut thread screws. Since MAYNORD BUHLER went out of business, I haven't found then again.
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