Contact info Gordon Eck gunsmith

Gordon no longer does gun work.

True story. I tried a little over a year ago. He was one of my 'bucket list' gunsmiths too. Just didn't get there fast enough.
Hope he is doing well in his retirement.

True story. I tried a little over a year ago. He was one of my 'bucket list' gunsmiths too. Just didn't get there fast enough.
Hope he is doing well in his retirement.


He is. Talked to him yesterday.
Yes, me too

In spite of some of our back and fourth, He chambered the best two barrels I've had to date. Rock Creeks, both of them. I too wish him well.

Gordon Eck

While we are on the subject of Gordon Eck, I would like to bring to the attention of new comers just how important Gordon has been to IR 50/50 sporter shooting.

For those that may not know Gordon Eck produced a series of sporters that literally caused a paradigm shift in IR 50/50 sporters.

IR 50/50 sporters by rule must weigh less than 7.5 lbs. stock made of wood with a forearm 2 1/4 inch or less wide, be a repeater, and have a scope of not more than 6.5 power.

Shooting 250s with these sporters before Gordon's rifles was rare indeed.

I still remember what he told me when I ordered mine from him. Gordon didn't know me from Adam.

He asked how often do you shoot 250s with your sporter? I said I have but only a few times.

His reply was "get use to it that is all my sporters shoot."

He was right. Sporter matches now are most often won by X count and many of the best sporters are ones Gordon built.

TKH (4628)
He made some Killers

While we are on the subject of Gordon Eck, I would like to bring to the attention of new comers just how important Gordon has been to IR 50/50 sporter shooting.

For those that may not know Gordon Eck produced a series of sporters that literally caused a paradigm shift in IR 50/50 sporters.

IR 50/50 sporters by rule must weigh less than 7.5 lbs. stock made of wood with a forearm 2 1/4 inch or less wide, be a repeater, and have a scope of not more than 6.5 power.

Shooting 250s with these sporters before Gordon's rifles was rare indeed.

I still remember what he told me when I ordered mine from him. Gordon didn't know me from Adam.

He asked how often do you shoot 250s with your sporter? I said I have but only a few times.

His reply was "get use to it that is all my sporters shoot."

He was right. Sporter matches now are most often won by X count and many of the best sporters are ones Gordon built.

TKH (4628)

Quite a few of them out there inactive.

I remember when Gordon had just finished building the sporter for Greg Davis. I was at the range practicing with my 10.5 lb rifle and he handed me that sporter and asked me to shoot it and tell him what I thought. After shooting it I told him that it was the best shooting rimfire rifle I've ever shot. Two days later I asked him to make one for me and it shot every bit as well as Greg's. Those Eck Turbo Sporters with Broughton barrels and Pippen stocks were legendary and most of them found their way to the top of the IR50/50 Sporter A Line and racked many State/Regional/National wins. I know Gordon had the reputation as "The Sporter King" but he could also build a killer 10.5/13.5/Unlimited rifle as well. He built for me "The UnCalfee" rifle with the then new Stiller 2500 action and a Rock Creek barrel which was the best 10.5 lb rifle I owned and one of the best I ever had the opportunity to shoot. I sold that a few years back and as far as I know, it has never shot at a match since. So much of a pity, that was a winner.

I've been out of rimfire benchrest since 2016 and sold off both of my 10.5 lb rifles but have kept my Eck sporter and I won't sell it. It is one of the inactive ones. It no longer has the Broughton barrel on it (tho I still have it) as the killer accuracy of it went away over time, but, the Shilen barrel it now has is no slouch and has shot several 250s. I took it out last year to the range with some old good lot of Eley and shot another 250 with it, just to show me that we could still get it done.

I hope Gordon enjoys his retirement. I know I wouldn't have had any success in the game without his rifles, mentoring, and friendship. He once literally gave me a barrel right off his own rifle. I hope he is taking the time to reflect on all that he did for his customers and his impact on this rimfire benchrest game with a smile of satisfaction.
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I'm very fortunate to own a rifle that Gordon re-barreled for me. Shipped on a Friday... back in my hands the next Friday. Who does that?

Gordon's work is the best in the business. This rifle has won many Nationals, set multiple records and has shot two 25X targets. Just a few weeks ago the stars aligned at Piney Hill and shot this target- a 142 10-Shot target. (Also, a 604 World Record AGG at the Nationals the next day).


I'm still waiting for Jason to confirm but it looks pretty solid.

And, to really piss off Calfee, I shoot it with a 2.5 ounce weight and a long Carbon Fiber bloop tube "dangling" off the end!!!

Gordon has always been ready to talk and help any way he can. I owe him a lot.

Bruce Hornstein
I took out the Eck sporter today for some Boy Scouts to shoot after they qualified for their rifle shooting merit badge. Shooting the IR50/50 target set at 50 yds. I sat and watched thru a spotting scope as one after another were routinely hitting 10s and with quite a few Xs shooting some of the last remnants of my good lots of Eley Match. The look on their faces as I called out "X" was priceless. I had wind flags out and the winds were a right to left crosswind at about 10 mph. I explained to them about keeping one eye on the flags and the necessity to hold off at 4 O'clock from dead center. A few of those youngsters showed some real talent and feel for the game. That rifle put smiles on some of the scout leaders and volunteers too.