Eddie Harren
Congratulations to Kim Lewellyn for winning the 200 Yd. and the Grand Agg. And also to John Cascarino for winning the 100 Yd.
How the hell did I forget the Hunter class? Congratulations Charlie.
I'd like to thank everyone for coming out and supporting our match this weekend. We had beautiful weather and it is always a pleasure to shoot with such fine folks.
Watching the top level shooters patiently wait out the conditions would be a lesson to anyone starting or having shot this game for a while. I learn something
everytime I shoot with those guys/gals, and I would encourage anyone who is interested in improving their game to sit behind one of the better shooters and see
what condition they are shooting and try to guess where to hold off.
As far as I know everyone got home safely which is also a good thing.
Thanks again,
I bet that as far as I know everyone got home safely statement was aimed directly at me Michael!! Admit it!! "
But I am glad that everyone got home, and I really appreciate the distance you traveled to get there.
Thanks again,
how the hell did i forget the hunter class? Congratulations charlie.