Congratulations Kirk Gaston, Calfee



Friend Kirk:

Congratulations on your 2008 IR-50, Unlimited, Virginia State Championship.

Also Congrats to all the other awesome shooting.

It looks like the match today will be a killer as several folks are crowded right at the top with Kirk.......

Good luck to all...

Your friend, Bill Calfee
Congrats, Kirk!

:)Congratulations, Kirk! Awesome Shooting!:)

Congrats to all the other winners, too!

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My congratulations to you. You gave it your best effort as always, worked hard, and "persevered" to get thru the day on Saturday. Persevered was the key word there. That was a lot of flag moving for one day.
You done very well. Hope to shoot with you again another time. Take care of yourself. Congrats!
Congratulations Kirk.

You did well as usual. Did they ever figure out who won the 12-gun?
Congratulations Kirk!!!!!

Kirk, what is it about greenbacks that makes that rifle of yours so hard to beat? That was an awesome performance at Kettlefoot. I wish I had been there to see it but, Mark forced me to go to Missouri and caddy for him. I can't wait to see how the local matches shake out this year. The competition should be great. See you at Borden.

Remember you can let up on us locals a little, then maybe we won't give up and quit......wait a minute, we're not ready to quit......Bring it on and make us better!!!!!

Mike Sherrill
Way to shoot Kirk.....I am sorry I can't make any of these matches right now,however the knee want let me. I would love to watch all the great players in this game do their thing...well I soon will I hope. When it comes to money on the table you always get your share....and then some....
Tom Ingram