Apologies if I’ve taken any good natured badgering wrong. It is hard to tell a person’s tone on forums.
Easy trig could find you a new datum point that would work with both cartridges, however, saami uses .375 as the datum and that is the published, accepted chambering spec. If you want to do it differently than saami, more power to you, but don’t tell people they are wrong for doing it the saami way. Good luck in court if something happens to a customer’s rifle and you didn’t use saami specs. I prefer to use accepted saami specs. Using saami specs, the answer to the op’s question is “the headspace is farther from the base on the ackley then is is on the parent case.”
I read your link a couple times and see how the nose on the parent gauge would hit since the shoulder/neck junction is shorter for the ackley. In the instance of a 243 ackley, the accepted method is measuring from base to .400” and it should be about .035” longer than a parent 243.
Been fun gentlemen. I need to hit the chamber with some 80grit ao paper to get the scratches out. Not sure why the reamer leaves scratches ..... I’m holding the drill true....
My argument : use the datum and headspace length on the saami specs, cause it is approved.
Does that make sense to you now???
I was walking away peacefully and you hit my in the back with a proverbial snowball![]()
I didn't take the time to read through all these posts on the .280 Ackley. My 2 cents and worth about that much. I had a .280 Ackley reamer and go gage a long time before Nosler came out with their .280 Ackley brass and had it made into a SAAMI cartridge. I'd read all this about the difference between the old .280 Ackley and the new .280 Ackley. So, since most guys were using the Nosler brass, I ordered a new .280 Ackley go gage so that I would be using the correct go gage to work with the new brass. I'd read all the differences in the SAAMI specs opposed to what the reamer prints were showing. I did a little test and reamed a chamber gage cutting just the shoulder, neck and throat into the gage. Dropped it over the old go gage and measured from the base of the gage to the top of the chamber gage. Then did the same thing with the new Ackley go gage. Both go gages measured identical. I quit worrying about the supposed difference between the Nosler specs and the old specs. Turned out according to these two gages, that there wasn't any difference. I chambered a .250 Savage Ackley Improved on Monday. The bolt just closes on the Ackley go gage and the bolt just barely starts to close with the standard .250 Savage go gage.
Thank you Mike! But you're likely about to be berated with nonsense from people who have never done this test but believe that what they read on the Internet is the gospel, because big names in the industry mean they're perfect and you and I...Well, we musta got lucky or something to make our claims actually work with different gages