Concealed carry in my truck.



This is what I just finished to hide my full size American Classic II in.

I pulled out the bottom of the center console & traced it to a piece of card board for the "new" bottom.

Then I traced an outline of the pistol onto some foam filter material I got at Wal-Mart. Then trimmed it out with an X-acto knife leaving a cushion under the ACII, but high enough for the original bottom to cover everything when put in the console compartment with the original bottom on top as a false bottom. The photo on the right has everything including the ACII under the false bottom.

Hopefully if my truck gets broken into the ACII won't get discovered.

Here are the pictures of what I did.


PS: I copied this idea from someone else. I am also going to cut a half moon notch so I will be able to pull the false bottom off of the ACII with my finger.


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Very nice and your truck license number is what?
Can you get to the piece in a hurry if the need arises?

Yes I can get it in a hurry after I get all the junk out first. HAHAHA. :eek: I only put the gun in there when it is illegal to carry like in government buildings & such. Other than that it is in my cross draw holster.


PS: My license # is GT007.
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1. A car is stolen in the US every 26.5 seconds.

2. Car thieves/burgulars know about secret compartments in vehicles.

Not being able to legally carry handguns in Canada, the criminals had custom hideouts built into custom cars... and a concealed method of opening... one was so ingenious to have an electrical code programmed in the digital radio... It became a real problem with law enforcement and shootouts and a law was introduced and passed prohibiting any vehicle to have a hidden compartment installed. So the criminals aren't supposed to do that anymore...
If you do Concealed carry never use reloaded ammo .
Use only Factory ammo .

If you do Concealed carry never use reloaded ammo .
Use only Factory ammo .


Why?????.........What kinda ammo you carry in your concealed hand gun is your business. If you shoot somebody, There is a possibilty you could be charged with involuntary manslaughter, If the perpetrator dies. regardless whether you use factory ammo or reloads. If the perpetrator survives,then all you're looking at is a life changing civil law suit.

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What kinda ammo you carry in your concealed hand gun is your business . WRONG .

If you do use your gun to defend your self the prosecutor will say your reloaded ammo was meant to mamie or kill .
He will paint a picture of a person (you) as looking to kill a poor individual . He will say your speical reloads are killer bullets and you know it .

This has been done before so it,s not really just your business is it ?
Keybear has good point. You need to worry about criminal and civil things that WILL happen.
Factory ammo, factory gun all as used by regular law enforcement is good way to fend off these.
As retired law enforcement, I carry Colt Cobra with Winchester factory ammo that FBI issued at one time. (And stay qualified)
Even a GOOD (legal) shooting will bring big problems. Your gun will be gone and may be years before you get it back if at all.
Civil suit almost a certainty so don't give any thing to trail lawyer to make you look bad even when you are in the right.
I trained police for years and had to pound this in their heads.
Ray, I notice that the pistol is cocked and oriented in a way that it is pointed at your hip as you would make a panicky grab for it in a very stressful situation.
This is getting way off topic but,I'm not aware of any court case where the type of hand gun ammo(reloads) was used successfully to prosecute a victim ,Civilly or criminally, for DEFENDING himself/herself from a deadly threat. A smart defense attorney can easily counter the "intent to kill" argument. The perpetrator had the same intent. Factory ammo is just as deadly as reloads. Circumstances surrounding each incident usually determines civil/criminal exposure. If you can imagine,The use of a "Cruise Missile" to defend yourself or family would be justifiable in some situations. its your right. My advice is to shoot whats in your magazine/cylinder, until its all gone. Its better to go to your trial than it is to go to your funeral.

I am not taking any side here however back when I was shooting the combat matches back in the early 80's I do remember reading in several different articles by diff authors (mostly law enforcement or ex-law) the same thing about hand loads.
Thats been a long time ago but as memory serves the foundation for the concept was the ability to recreate the ballistics information.
Using off the shelf ammo they could recreate the ballistics but they claimed they could not if it were hand loads since only the creator knew what was in it....
That was what was written back then.
Really it,s just makes scents one less thing to worry about . We some times think that the loades we make are better but they are not . You shoot a bad guy the jury (if it goes that far)will not know anything about reloading . All they will know is you load your own KILLER ammo because that is what they will be told .
Don't know about Georgia, but my state has a code stating:

A person with a concealed weapons permit may carry a concealed weapon on his person while in an automobile. If the weapon is not being carried by the person while in an automobile, then the weapon must be carried in a location not accessible from the pasenger compartment and must be unloaded.

Research your state codes and regulations, you may be surprised at what you find.

And there is no way in H!!! that I would leave a weapon unattended in an automobile!!! Perps can break into a locked car and steal an airbag system in seconds, think how fast they could find that "hidden compartment".

I have a concealed carry permit, but I think ahead about carrying and stay away from areas that could be trouble.

The reload question? Yes Virginia, depends on the lawyers and how easy a jury may be swayed. Don't even think about having a magazine full of Black Talons and shooting someone! My 1911 has good old military style hardball in the magazine, commercial loaded. Geneva Convention approved!

If you do get into an altercation with a handgun or any other weapon, guess what, when the LEO's show up they consider anyone with a handgun or weapon as a bad guy. You will be put on the ground and handcuffed and hauled off to jail. LEO's responding to an incident have no idea of what is going on and just who is going to shoot back.
We here in Wisconsin finally got rid of our Democratic Governor that would not allow us to protect ourselves, but where ever he went, he had two state police at his side, like his life is more important to him than mine is to me ?

We were 1 of 2 that did not havs CC. That leaves Illinois, and they will never allow it. Now that our new Republican Gov. has signed it into law, they were over run with applications and had to hire temporary help to meet the cut off deadline. But as you say, I shudder to think of having to use it, unless left no choice, and yes, I am aware of what will take place afterwords. Thats even worse.

The local cops hate it that we've got this now.
Maybe top cops hate it, but they are politicians these days. Most cops who do all the grunt work are with us.
I trained over 100 private security people after Katrina and had to make sure they knew Louisiana laws.
Texas use of deadly force is more broad, but some other states really restrictive.
But all based on threat of harm, so if threat is gone, YOU have to QUIT shooting. Don't finish off.
Druggist who did that is in jail convicted of manslaughter.
KNOW YOUR STATE and local laws. Get professional advise if possible before and have name of GOOD attorney who knows.
If involved in shooting follow advise even if he says, JUST SHUT UP and get me there.
Read about what happens to your perceptions if something happens.
You might be shocked. Me --- I'm so upset take me to hospital and call my lawyer. I feared for my life. Period.
Ray, I notice that the pistol is cocked and oriented in a way that it is pointed at your hip as you would make a panicky grab for it in a very stressful situation.

The pictures were taken from the drivers seat. The barrel is pointed towards the right front tire. I would remove it with my right hand. Also the safety is not on. I forgot to put it on, but it was not loaded while I was working on the console & taking the pictures. I also have not used it yet until I get an okay from my police dept.

After I filled it up with the usual junk it took me 25 minutes to empty it before I got to the gun. HAHAHA

The purpose of the compartment is only to hinder a person that breaks into my truck from stealing my pistol. I have had one stolen from the center console compartment in the past. Its only use is when I can not carry concealed like at any property or building which is not allowed by law.

It is not for quick access since it's hard to get to. And besides I CC with a cross draw which is very handy when I am in the driver seat since I am right handed.

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Here in Illinois, or should i say Chicago land, we have to just let ourselves get shot, or robbed, or what have you. Our state says we have no right to protect ourselves against the dirt bags on our streets, or in our neighborhoods, or shopping centers. What a great place to live! Lee
Here in Illinois, or should i say Chicago land, we have to just let ourselves get shot, or robbed, or what have you. Our state says we have no right to protect ourselves against the dirt bags on our streets, or in our neighborhoods, or shopping centers. What a great place to live! Lee


I knew that feeling all these years with our former governor, (altho he had 2 state troopers at his side at all times) Scott Walker changed all that now.
Illinois will never have CC. Although we now have it, It's frightening to think of having to use it for the repercussions......

If you weren't so law abiding, it wouldn't bother you !