CNN Magazine Capacity Poll

I was 6 when I first started hunting by myself, and I must say that it was safe, because I had been shooting with supervision since I was 4 years old. I was taught everything concerning saftey, and practiced what I was taught. I grew up very fast. By the age 6, not only had I started hunting, but I also had learned to water ski slalom, was jumping from the high bluffs on Possum Kingdom lake called Hell's Gate without a life vest, and had purchased my first motorcycle with money I had earned from mowing lawns. I look at a lot of kids now that I would never feel safe with them doing those same things. I do believe that it is more about the training, and the maturity than it is about the age though, so for some kids today it is no different than it was back then.

While most of my rifles are either single shots or have single shot adapters, but I've got an AR that has some 20 and 30 round magazines. Why? Because I can.

The idea that some genius working for ATF or in Congress can tell me how many rounds my rifle or handgun magazines can hold offends my very delicate sensibilities. If they can do that then they can tell me how much ammunition or what quantity of components I can legally possess at one time, and on and on. The gun control addicts believe that ALL guns are evil and wicked, but that some are more wicked and evil than others. They'll start off with those, which as we all know are black, have pistol grips, flash suppressors (or threaded muzzles at least), replaceable magazines (which, horrors, can be high capacity), are part plastic, and on and on. Then there are those long range sniper rifles with high powered scopes firing cartridges that are accurate to long ranges like 150 or 200 yards! Of course all handguns need to be banned out of hand because they can be concealed, and their only purpose is to kill people. Maybe bows and arrows will be next, and of course muzzle loaders are guns too so they've got to be banned as well.

Recently Holland had a gun "turn in" program where people could turn in any guns with no questions asked. Oh, and if you happen to have any baseball bats they'd take those too, I mean who plays baseball in Holland.

There's no end. What's wanted isn't a reduction in crime or murders by controlling guns it's plain and simple to control us, the people. There are those in government and out who are so afraid or our guns that they can barely see straight. They can't do as they wish with us if we're armed and might resist.

Maybe I'm paranoid, but that doesn't mean they're still not out to get me, or you.
About mandatory training ....

Be aware that "mandatory training" can easily become another way for the camel to get his nose under your tent. Keep in mind "who" might just raise the bar on what a person needs to qualify.

The NRA has some good training programs, and the government has theirs. Never assume that more legislation is needed to keep us safe.

- Larry Willis
If the police an' military got............

30rd. mags, then I NEED them, too. And maybe a grenade launcher and a couple RPGs, :D I need some parity w/some of the less trustworthy elements in our society. :rolleyes: Anyone knows the police and military are never around when you NEED 'em, and maybe would look the other way while the enemy is up to no good...

Look at all the lawlessness in Arizona that prompted Vermont-carry in that state, it came about as a result of a rancher getting killed on his own property. :mad:
I also understand Phoenix is becoming the kidnapping kapital of the Southwest. So??

Only when it becomes more dangerous to mess w/the responsible citizens, will it become peaceful again. :D

Right on, Sheriff Joe!!!
1. Any CNN poll will be heavily tilted to the left.

2. Politicians read poll results but seldom are influenced by them when the numbers reflect opinions contrary to their pre-conceived opinions.

3. Polls, in general, are a waste of time and money.



Thats why it is called "statistic babel"...............Don
"The right of our people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Simple enough.

Is becomes a different question as to what kind of arms? How about a 5" cannon? I believe most reasonable shooters would pause or should pause to think about limits.

I just want to add something for you to consider: Let's say you live on a small ranch (about a section) and your neighbor to the south is shooting his cannon 20 to 25 times a day into a berm that he pushed up on the north fence of his spread just to the south of your chicken house.

Our constitution is not a suicide pack.

Concho Bill
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Maybe you shouldn't have a car that goes over the speed limit ... certainly no one needs 500 HP ... and by the way, I think you have too big a house and your toilet uses too much water...
About Our Constitution ...

Bill .....

Your analogy of the "cannon blasting neighbor" sounds more like an out of control individual, and he can easily be dealt with just by enforcing existing laws.

Of course, there are reasonable limitations of acceptable arms for self-defense. However, keep in mind who makes those rules. Our Constitution is the ONLY protection we have to limit the power of our government, and history has shown many times that your worst enemy is often your own government.

Thank God that our forefathers knew this when they designed our Constitution. Be very careful when you see new firearm limitations imposed, because it's a slippery slope to becoming totally defenseless.

- Larry Willis
Its called freedom !!! Thats what America is about FREEDOM !!!!!!! Just because you see no need for high capacity mags should not mean that I am therefore restricted from them. Thats your choice, mine is to have them."Any one that would trade their freedom for secuity deserves neither " If more people were armed it would be more of a polite society. Mass shootings would not happen because some one would eliminate the threat as soon as it surfaced.