
Temp. Cook/Bottle Washer

Staff member
If you are registered on the Classifieds section of Benchrest Central, you should sign into your account and check your email address. Due to some glitches in changing the website the email addresses got "lost."
As noted at post # 2 above, there's some good stuff in the Classifieds at Just a note of appreciation to those who use that site:

To the lookers — Thanks for looking at the various ads; I hope you find something of interest. Regardless of whether you buy something advertised in the Classifieds (or find someone who wants something you want to sell), thank you for looking — that supports the advertisers. :)

To the advertisers — Thanks for posting an ad; it helps keep the forum alive. I hope you find/found a buyer (or someone who responds/responded to your "Wanted" ad).