

She chewed up my painstakingly restored antique glider rocker.

She chewed up wife's favorite aunt's antique make-up table.

She chewed the corner off of my 1993 Precision Shooting Annual (Volume II).

She pooed/peed/puked on:

-Our bed.
-Our furniture.
-Our cars.
-Carpeted floors
-Linoleum floors
-Hardwood floors
-Other peoples floors

She ate her own poo and then kissed me on the face. Numerous times.

She woke me up a thousand times in the middle of the night barking at nothing.

She assisted on any and all manner of project that took place at ground level.

She once drug a dead squirrel in the house.

And I loved every minute of it.

We had to put her to sleep Saturday night.

Tonight was the first time in nearly 14 years that she wasn't waiting for me at the front door, wagging her tail, when I got home from work.

I've finally quit crying...but I'll never stop thinking of her.

I hope to see her again.

Sleep well, little girl.


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Justin, its sad but we must do what is best for them. I know, I've had to put down 6 in my lifetime.

Yes Francis, we do love them so and they love us back more I believe.

Justin, I know your pain, I had to put down two of my best friends in the past year. When I think of them I still get tears in my eyes. My Lab because of old age and my Chesapeake due to cancer. It makes a person wonder, why can't they live forever.
I now have a 9 month old Chesapeake Bay Retriever, she has helped ease the pain and brings a lot of joy and a little frustration to our home.


The last dog I had to put to sleep I talked about it for two year before it happened. I thought it would ease the pain. IT DID NOT.

Nothing like a puppy to start the cycle all over again:)=

Best wishes.

Been there, done that, Justin. Peace be with you. My advice: go to the pet shelter and find one that needs a home to love it -- you'll both be better off for it.
Had to put down my Lab mix Cocoa in Nov. Worst day of my life. Previous dogs died, or were given away. Waiting for spring, so I can have another wagging tail when I come home. Wifey doesn't wag her tail anymore, and dogs are more glad to see you, the later you are......God bless.
She chewed up my painstakingly restored antique glider rocker.

We had to put her to sleep Saturday night.

Tonight was the first time in nearly 14 years that she wasn't waiting for me at the front door, wagging her tail, when I got home from work.

I hope to see her again.

Sleep well, little girl.

I bet I'm not the only one with a lump in the throat from reading your (heartfelt) post, Justin. Will Rogers is credited with saying "If there are no dogs in heaven, then I want to go where they went".

And in a 'Spenser' book by Robert B. Parker, he and his beloved woman were sitting at home, admiring their dog as they were wont to do. Susan (his woman) said "Spenser, I've heard heaven described as a place, that when you get there, all the dogs you have ever loved come running to greet you." Spenser replied something like "Works for me."

Our 4-legged family of six dogs not so long ago is down to 5 -- after our amazing Dexter (Catalanian sheepdog) passed at age 18. And we'll likely lose our lab/pitbull mutt Suzie this year. She'll be 16 in April, and she's still around because of her pacemaker implant in Oct/2012, otherwise she'd have keeled over in a matter of weeks.

And our other dogs from years gone by are out of sight but never far from our thoughts. I concur with some of the other sentiments mentioned: if you don't have another pet in the house, then go visit a shelter, and pet some dogs (and heck, even some cats) and you'll feel better, and more importantly so will they. You don't have to bring them home, but you just might meet your new best friend. Despite it being a guaranteed heartache when the day comes (as with Clarabelle), it's still the best deal you can do. :_)

The welcome wagon, reminding you to try to be the person your dog thinks you are.
Doga are..

A gift from God. He giveth and he taketh away. Who else but Him could create such a perfect friend and companion? Do what I did two years ago the day after I had to put down my second Brittany...find another!
Good luck!!

Sorry to hear that. No friend like "man's best friend". My 2 are watching the Olympics in the other room(sleeping). One will be 16 tomorrow and the other is not far behind. Sad days are coming for me also.


Thank you so much for your words. I knew there would be kindred spirits on this forum.

We've had to put 4 dogs down in the last ten years, so I've been down this road before. But Clarabelle was the first dog that I've had from puppy until the end. And this ordeal has just tore my heart out. She was my little girl.

Fortunately, we still have Otis, The World's Dumbest Bulldog, to entertain us around the house and take our mind off of things. I agree with many a poster here...there is no substitute for losing a dog like another dog.

Bill Ohio,

I've heard the that line from Spenser before and agree whole heartedly, but did not know its origin. Thank you for that, sir.


Thanks, buddy. You haven't been by the house since we got Otis. You'll have to come by and check him out. We'll find something yummy in the liquor cabinet and raise a glass to our dogs gone by.

Thank you for your post Justin


Looking for gophers

Shanna was my brothers dog and my friend .

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