Citranox and sonic cleaning

Bob Pastor

New member
Question for anyone with experience using Citranox for cleaning brass.

I spent the day cleaning 5,000 rounds of .45 acp today and some of the brass came out with a pink tint.
Has anyone experienced this before?

Thank You in advance for any replys.
Good Morning East Coast

The Citranox is amazing. 1oz. per gallon of water and 20 mins. in the sonic cleaner.
I have a 5 gallon commercial sonic cleaner and can clean 500 cases at a time.
No snow here. It's a balmy 64 degrees!

I've just retired from Benchrest and F Class shooting after 12 dedicated years.
Construction on home pistol range starts this week.
Try a magnet on them. I had some 9MM do the same thing, they were brass coated steel.
Question for anyone with experience using Citranox for cleaning brass. I spent the day cleaning 5,000 rounds of .45 acp today and some of the brass came out with a pink tint. Has anyone experienced this before?

Once upon a time ... I tried Utrasonic cleaning and Citranox. As I recall, depending on the amount of time the cases were in the solution, I saw different colors. Try keeping a written record of your cleaning times and see which color you like best.

Having said that, I also gave up the messy solution based cleaning and rinsing method for the old standby of vibrating cases. With the .45 ACP's wide-mouth case and corn cob media and a tumbler to extract it, cleaning my .45's cases is an easy task. And, I can do a lot more cases at one time. If I want really shiny brass, I place them in the vibrator and let it go for hours while I'm doing other things. Keep It Simple! :)

P.S. If you try the vibrator / corn cob method leave the primers in so the media doesn't clog up the flash hole.
Why clean brass?

I just don't know how Jackie shoots so good with all that dirty brass. Someone needs to clue him in.

I gave up vibrating brass, tumbling with walnut and corn cob, and ultrasonic. I now use a tumbler with a table spoon of Limeshine, 2 table spoons of dish washing liquid. It also calls for 5 lbs of SS pins. My brass looks better than new, primer pockets and inside of the brass also. The other methods are crap in my estimation. If you want a picture I can post them tomorrow.