citi & no more citibank threads on General Discussion


wolf gray

I thought everyone would be interested in these threads off of the General Discussion section. I am still checking it out, and if it pans out, our citibank card will be going thru the shredder along with a long letter to citibank.
What does everybody think?

Dan Batko

I thought everyone would be interested in these threads off of the General Discussion section. I am still checking it out, and if it pans out, our citibank card will be going thru the shredder along with a long letter to citibank.
What does everybody think?

Dan Batko

If this is true, I'll be cancelling my Citicard.
it is true.
citi is now tapdancing, but has not retracted, nor apologized.

it would appear to me that some employee that knows not enough about legal gun transactions has over stepped....and stepped in it.

i think they will back out and correct thier error.....but in the meantime....calll, cancel and tell them why...ask to speak to a supervisor...make sure they know why you will not do business with them.

mike in co
here is thier first fromal reply.....burn your citi cards!
( the originator is a pedersol gun rep)
After making contact with Mr. Tannenbaum of First Data, I explained the problem with their refusal to service legal dealers selling firearms in both face to face and non face to face situations.
He said the matter would be reviewed and he would send me an official statement.
The statement arrived Wed. evening and I copy it (in full) below.
You will see that their statement does not reverse or change any of the original reported facts. In fact, from the words he chose to use I get the impression they are quite aloof and don't really care what we gun people care or feel in this matter.
At this time it seems that the matter might best be taken directly to Citi Bank or to whatever parent company franchises First Data and Citi Merchant Services.
Dick T.
" Mr. Trenk:
Thank you for your message. The posting at regarding Citi Merchant Services and First Data Corp. is inaccurate. Further, while we generally do not comment on individual merchant customers, we would like to briefly address the 12/26 letter posted on the web site. Regretfully, that letter did a less than satisfactory job of expressing applicable policies. Those policies are more properly detailed below.
Citi Merchant Services and First Data do process firearms transactions. Our policy restrictions address only the sale of firearms in a non face-to-face environment. Non face-to-face transactions occur when a cardholder is not present in front of a merchant and includes mail order and online purchases. It is our policy not to service merchants that make non face-to-face sales in a number of industries, including firearms.
It is not the policy of Citi Merchant Services or First Data to refuse to process transactions from duly licensed merchants that sell firearms in face-to-face transactions at the point of sale.
The posting also incorrectly states that Robert Tenenbaum is the supervisor when, in fact, he is not. "
Is this related solely to purchasing guns? Or 'firearms related' items as well?

Hard to imagine they could really police any of it.
I believe the point of the matter is that the first post was in fact incorrect, perhaps we should not solve problems that do not exist.
I believe the point of the matter is that the first post was in fact incorrect, perhaps we should not solve problems that do not exist.

tim ?????

it is a fact, not fiction. citi cliams no gun sales which are not face to face, or so they say.
it is a fact that cdnn has been hurt by someone at citi stopping legal sales and impounding funds they have no right to.

what doesnt exist ??

Is this related solely to purchasing guns? Or 'firearms related' items as well?

Hard to imagine they could really police any of it.

guns only...

easily to police when you pick on a GUN DEALER.
Everyone should email those clowns and let them know that you disapprove, EVERYONE. Everybody must lobby a little to help protect this sport. The antis are constantly lobbing against you, fight back now before too many foolish minds are swayed against you. Even if you send them a brief email stating your disapproval and because of this you are reconsidering them as your bank, it will help. Do not hotlink from this site, they will ingore you as a crackpot group.

Best of luck,
Please Read Thier Reply To Me!!!

Thank you for your message.

Citi Merchant Services and First Data do process firearms transactions. Our policy restrictions address only the sale of firearms in a non face-to-face environment. Non face-to-face transactions occur when a cardholder is not present in front of a merchant and includes mail order and online purchases. It is our policy not to service merchants that make non face-to-face sales in a number of industries, including firearms.

It is not the policy of Citi Merchant Services or First Data to refuse to process transactions from duly licensed merchants that sell firearms in face-to-face transactions at the point of sale.

bull shirt.......
non face to face has been going on for years. the batfe has a process for it. its legal. why now citi ??.....cause you just came out of the are anit-gun. if dealers cannot move stock to another dealer...for a third are putting people out of business.
read your bills see who own/service youe accounts!
burn your cards..
call them annd let them know why.
if you have a hgome loan...refinance with a clause that your loan can never be sold to citi/first data...its legal.

mike in co
Don't email them, wait until they send out the monthly credit card application that most get. Then use their postage paid envelope to voice your complaint. Let them pay the postage.

That's my plan. I have visited many credit card processing facilities and yes Citi was one. All applications that are not normal or have missing data, then goes to another processor to read and or decipher the info. They log and categorize the info and use it to improve the application process for futures mailing drives. I know for a fact that this inconvenience, gets attention. The problem is, a company like Citi also process for Shell, Sears, Home Depot and many others. So read those applications closely....Bryn

Does Citi Merchant Services mean ALL cards that say CITI on them?
Citi Merchant Services may be only the subsidary that processes card authorizations for CitiCorp and other banks. It may have no real voice in any policy decisions. Perhaps the Citicorp headquarters would be the place to voice any displeasure with the policy.
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It may not be in your interest to cancel the Citi Cards. When cards are canceled, your credit score goes down for several months because of the way the scores are calculated. If you have no intention of applying for credit at all or until much later in the year, it shouldn't affect you. If there is a possibility that a lower credit score in the short term will negatively affect you, keep the card but don't use it. That hurts Citi worse because it costs them money to keep up with the account with the accounting and mailing costs.
It may not be in your interest to cancel the Citi Cards. When cards are canceled, your credit score goes down for several months because of the way the scores are calculated. If you have no intention of applying for credit at all or until much later in the year, it shouldn't affect you. If there is a possibility that a lower credit score in the short term will negatively affect you, keep the card but don't use it. That hurts Citi worse because it costs them money to keep up with the account with the accounting and mailing costs.

can you explain more.
i was in the finance biz for several years, and had some FICO training. this is one i have never heard. it seems sorta generic statement. if i only had one card, closing my only account would probably be negative, if i have too many cards for my income, high balances...then closing an account is a positive. generally any change takes 45 to 90 days to show up whether positive or negative.
open accounts with no balance can show as potential (ability to get into) debt.
way to many posibilities...for a generic statement....
Smith Barney...

is part of Citi and Citigroup. So, they'll soon no longer have my cash or brokerage accounts.