Chipewa Rifle Club Underwater


New member
It seems to have been raining non stop for almost a year, well the grounds can take no more and ole Chippewa Creek has gone over its banks and flooded several towns and as well as Chippewa Rifle Club. By the picture I am sure their club match this Saturday will be canceled as it might be a little to hard to set flags from a kayak or canoe. We received here at Kelblys almost 5 inches since Friday and more to come on ground that has been over saturated for the last year.



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Every ten years or a little more often. We got out just in time at the IBS Score Nationals there. Hurricane What’s It’s Name bore down on us that weekend.
As the saying goes, never build on a flood plain, and that’s where Chippewa is.
Sort of like Thurmont

Every ten years or a little more often. We got out just in time at the IBS Score Nationals there. Hurricane What’s It’s Name bore down on us that weekend.
As the saying goes, never build on a flood plain, and that’s where Chippewa is.

I've seen the water up a couple of times there also.

Every ten years or a little more often. We got out just in time at the IBS Score Nationals there. Hurricane What’s It’s Name bore down on us that weekend.
As the saying goes, never build on a flood plain, and that’s where Chippewa is.

Hurricane Ike...iirc.

The picture Jim posted represents the highest I have ever seen water on the range. Usually once a year we will have water up to the level of the shooting pad or slightly higher. This flood not only submerged the firing line but our storage building that was built on 2 foot higher ground. As the water subsides we will be faced with an extensive clean up. As in previous smaller floods we can usually collect a few fish both in our target area and our parking lot. We have to retrieve red work box that found its way into the bordering woods. The other result of these floods is that mosquitoes will take over the place. I hope it dries out soon.
