check your memory

Dave B

Some years ago there was a fellow that build a die that he used to form his brass using hydraulics. He cut a chamber in a piece of steel, cut a tight fitting cap for the top and then used oil and a fitted plunger with an o ring to form his brass.
Does anyone remember how he went about this?
Hornady will make custom hydraulic (water in case, forming force by dead blow hammer) case forming dies. You might give them a call. Ask for Lonnie.
I found this link ...

if it helps: You have to scroll half way down the page. Art

Dates and Synopsis of Published Work:

Book: "Gibbs Cartridges and the Front Ignition Loading Technique," published by Wolfe Publishing in 1991. This book contains loading data for all eight Gibbs cartridges from the 240 Gibbs to the 338 Gibbs. Articles about the Gibbs Metrics (6.5 Gibbs, 7mm Gibbs, and 8mm Gibbs) are included in the book, ...

... along with instructions and use for the Hydraulic Case Forming Tool, and the Front Ignition Loading Technique. This book contains all the data and information I collected having to do with Rocky Gibbs. All the loading data I developed included the use of my Oehler 33 chronograph.

Gibbs originally recommended using refrigeration oil in the hydraulic case former, however, my work with the case former revealed ONE HELL OF A MESS regardless of the type oil used, but it does work.

Books: "Wildcat Cartridges" Volume I and II published by Wolfe Publishing contain my articles written about Gibbs cartridges. Some of these are reprints of magazine articles. These two volumes are two of the best references available for the wildcatter.
Neat Trick

I can remember Elmer Keith's experiments with the front ignition primer tubes, and using hydraulics to form the cases into a Gibbs, or other such as the Ackley. I think they tried to convince themselves that what they were doing was worthwhile, but few agreed.
If I remember, that was when I was in the Army when those articles appeared, so that would have been in the late '60's.
I do remember that it was a very sloppy affair. Seems they were using Automatic Transmission Fluid as the liquid.
Heck, it wouldn't take long to make something up. Somebody describe the piece in detail, where I could make a drawing...........jackie