Check this rifle

I couldn't find a weight listed, may have missed it.

Good thing they have gun bearers on safari.
The other day I was perusing the 2,008 Shooters Digest (Gun Digest maybe I forget) and it showed this Rifle and unlike all the other Rifles in the book this one said POR (Price On Request) where the cost usually was listed.
I think it ranged from 14 1/2 pounds to 16 pounds depending on caliber.
No Varmint calibers available.
Hold into the wind
Frank that is fascinating! THANK YOU.

How do you describe something that's incredibly expensive, well made, uses nothing but the highest quality components and is unbearably UGLY? Some of those prototypes needed a SERIOUS haircut! $5,000.00 worth of wood with $2,000.00 worth or work and the most Gawdawful lines I've ever seen!

You've made my day...........with something truly new.


Gotta Love that

Im just imagining that in my rack of savages!
POR generally means that if you have to ask you can't afford it :eek:, especially with stuff like this.

Yeahhhh, check the website to see who the first customer was :) these definitely fall under "price is no object".


So those Rothschild guys have money huh? I thought that they were just simple French winemakers. :D:D:D

Almost perfect

Horray! A universal rifle at last! Left or right handed, you reload from the shoulder, you'll get a hot shell in the forehead. :eek:
Wow! Now if we can talk Barrett into making a double .50 BMG chambered semi-auto, we can shred the critter for quicker cooking at the same time!:D