check this out.

Brent, here's my day's fun:

edit - and the results if you don't want to go there:
sorted unsorted
0.383 0.231
0.154 0.417
0.196 0.492
0.222 0.428
0.105 0.363
0.193 0.266
0.216 0.408
0.172 0.289
0.348 0.343
0.57 0.453
0.332 0.194
0.241 0.872
0.375 0.282
0.827 0.199
0.458 0.699
0.279 0.384
0.139 0.514
0.931 0.281
0.044 0.485
0.077 0.051
0.287 0.243
0.364 0.333
0.632 0.536
0.312 0.203
0.051 0.591
0.056 0.403
0.204 0.689
0.177 0.148
0.232 0.714
0.098 0.352
0.501 0.381
0.167 0.12
0.722 0.497
0.078 0.717
0.368 0.094
0.52 0.169
0.27 0.242
0.359 0.255
0.213 0.111
0.295 0.343
0.515 0.54
0.221 0.358
0.131 0.423
0.425 0.278
0.108 0.353
0.129 0.391
0.356 1.685
0.12 0.234
0.532 0.292
0.303 0.317
Average Average T-test 2-tail T-test 1-tail
0.30016 0.39326 0.045552831 0.022776415
Last edited:
*shrug*, T-test don't lie, that's 97.7% probability of there being a significant difference, is it not? It's just Lapua Super Club. I don't necessarily think sorted Lapua Super Club shooting like that in that gun is going to accomplish anything, other than shooting better than unsorted Lapua Super Club does. But it most definitely is shooting better. Ron AKA's results with Lapua SC disagreed with MKnarr's results with Lapua SC, so I was curious to also try it. And I wouldn't mind trying it with more ammo now. I usually shoot Eley Target Rifle for silhouette matches, and have been weight sorting it, but have yet to do this particular test with it. Think that'll be next. Whether the gain was very large or not, it was a gain that the t-test says is significant, essentially for free, since I just sort while watching Letterman. Frankly, I think this test with something like Tenex will likely be a waste of ammo, but, I still would like to try this test with several varieties of ammo, including Tenex. If you think it's a waste of time, so be it. At least there will be math/statistics to support whether or not it's a waste of time, whether that interests you or not. I find it interesting. As do some others.
A .09" average reduction is nothing to sneeze at. If that difference was measurable in black box, I'd sort it.
I thought it was sarcastic, nevermind then. ;) I'm guessing gains will start getting masked by noise as you go up the price ladder until it is a blatant waste of time. But I'm still interested in trying it anyway, haha.
Ever since I got my first...

tuner, three or four years ago, I have advocated using two shot groups as a tool in setting the tuner. I have done so both here and in Precision Shooting articles.

It goes like this... I have a new lot of ammo and a rifle that I know shoots. Say it's my Calfee rimfire gun and Eley Red Box. I shoot two shots and, if they don't go thru the same hole, I twist the tuner and take two more shots on another target. When I get two shots that go thru the same hole, I repeat and repeat on that tuner setting... If they continue making one hole, I make it three, four and five shot groups.

Up till I get two shots thru the same hole, why in Gawd's name would I need a third shot? The second one already missed. Ammo and barrels are expensive.

I use the above for both rimfire and centerfire.

Dick Wright
Shorty, it looks good to me. I don't think anyone would, given the choice, start out handicapping themselves 0.09" at the gitgo.

I'd be interested in seeing that done with other ammo - esp Eley's better stuff. I think you will continue to need ever larger sample sizes to detect effects.

Stick with the one-tailed test in comparing weighed, vs unweighed bullets.

1-tail for this test, ok. Thanks for confirming that. Should have some more money to play around with on things like this in the next few months, so I'm hoping to try the same thing with Eley Match and Tenex, and perhaps with some of the other high-end stuff like Lapua's Match and Midas, maybe get hold of some RWS R-50 and Special Match or whatever, too. At any rate, I'm gonna try Eley Target Rifle in the next few days, since I have a bunch of that here still. Was another nice calm day today, wish I had gotten ready to test some of it last night, hehe.