Changes at Denton


J Conley

Next year our match director will step down and though it will be very hard to fill his shoes a small group including myself will be taking over the responsibility of the 2009 season.
At this time the format is unchanged with club matches beginning in March and rotating from 100 yards one month to 200 yards the next month and ending in September. Each club match has a score shoot in the morning fallowed by a group shoot after lunch. In addition to the seven club matches, we hold our two regional shoots, the Texas Showdown 4 Gun 200, 5 shot Unlimited and the Hotter’n Hell LV-SP, 100-200.

We are in the process of kicking around a few ideas in the hopes of increasing match participation. For one being in Texas we are blessed with warm weather that carries on long after September. We could possibly squeeze an additional month or two in the season. This could allow for some comfortable shooting weather. On the same note we could move the starting times from 10:00 to 9:00.

The big change being discussed would be to look into hosting some registered IBS Score Shoots. As far as I’m aware there aren’t any registered score matches taking place in Texas and it looks like the Denton range meets all the requirements in the ISB rulebook.

I would really like to get some feedback along with any suggestions especially about the IBS score shoots.

Thanks.. Jon Conley
You guys could add a couple of matches this year and it would not hurt my feelings. I pretty sure a couple other fellows from up here would come down also.
I 2nd Mike's Comment...

You guys could add a couple of matches this year and it would not hurt my feelings. I pretty sure a couple other fellows from up here would come down also.

I throughly enjoyed myself yesterday (after gettin the hang of the score shoot which took a bit of time :eek:), but will most definately come back. Given my locality to Denton it's not too bad a drive an most importantly..., a good time is had by all.

I will now get off my soapbox an see y'all next month. :)

Denton Matches

I know it is a waste of time to mention this, but raising the target frames and the berm would be helpful. Wind flags could be set higher, instead of a foot off the ground.

I really enjoy shooting at the Denton Matches. Very well run match......GW

Clean-out the left-side fence line and do away with the "HONEY-HOLE".
I Will Second That

Jon, I know this is not the sort of "input" you were soliciting, but the flag situation and that darned tree line on the left side really makes shooting at Denton a hassle. I feel I am not out of line in saying this, because I have only missed one Registered Competition at Denton in 6 years.
I know nothing can be done. The club is at the mercy of the majority of the members, (many whom would probably wish you all would go away), and we should probably feel fortunate to even have a place to shoot. But it is very tiresome having to rotate EVERY yardage, and not being able to see your flags at 200yards.
For those who say we just should not rotate every yardage, I volunteer to take Bench one or two for an entire Grand Agg. heck, I will even be so nice as to take either for the entire week end.

IBS Score seems like a good idea. Why not just make two of your Club Matches IBS Registered. We already have nine registered NBRSA Matches from April through September, plus other clubs, (Tomball and New Braunfels), also have an active club match schedule. Finding non conflicting dates might be a problem, especially for those of us who have to travel a great distance.........jackie
By extending matchs past September, don't you conflict with preparations for deer season?
I went to Denton about 2-3 years ago as an observer. Thats what really was the final nail in the coffen for me. Then I went to Luther to observe and bought my first BR gun there. I shot at Denton last year during one of the club matches and really enjoyed it. It was one of the 100 yard matches. I was totally unprepared for the short flags there. Had to drive my poles about a foot into the ground. I am like Jackie about the short flags, etc but probably nothing you can do about that. Shot my first and only score match and really enjoyed it. I live in Duncan, Ok, about 120 miles north of Denton and our weather is about like yours. Hotter-n-hell in the summer. I even hate to practice during the weather we have had lately. As to October bumping into deer season, probably to some degree. You might take a pole to see. However some of out best times to shoot are during November and December. Heck, I even shoot during Jan and Feb on the good days. I don't especially care to go to a two day match. Means I have to spend at least 1-2 nights in a motel and to be frank it just wears me out. I like Luther because the matches start at 12:00 and are over by 6:00 pm. Rex runs a fast paced match, so it keeps you hopping. I shoot all three of their matches. I would hate to see Denton start at 9:00 am. Makes me have to get up really really early to get there in time to get set up and a bit of practice. I hope to make the Sept match at Denton and if you can't do something about the trees on the left, I'll take bench 1,2,or 3:D. I had #3 when I shot there last year. Much fun. You guys do a very good job......for a bunch of Texans.:rolleyes:......Donald

As a member of another Texas Club, (Tomball), I feel safe in saying that if you REALLY want to p-iss off the rest of the club membership, (and be burned in effigy), just tie up a range with a match any where near Deer Season.......jackie

Yes I forgot about all the hunters needing to sight in ole betsy. Make sure she is shootin where she was last year. I haven't hunted since 1975, that was my last trip to Colorado deer and elk hunting. Got nothing against guys who hunt. I just have killed everything I want to. My oldest grandson got two deer this year with two shots using my 270 Vanguard. I was only thinking about the BR shooters. But on the other hand, I know some BR guys also deer hunt. I keep forgetting, since I am retired, that some folks only have the weekends to test and sight in, etc. I know of a building contractor in Ruidoso, NM. that said all his sub contractors let him know right up front that they did not work during October, period. I guess to each his own...Donald
Denton Range

There is nothing wrong with the Denton range that moving it 150 miles closer to San Angelo wouldn't cure ! :D


Dan Batko

"Where are we going, and why am I in this basket?"