Chamber concentricity



I have fire formed a few cases in my new 300 rum sendero and i am measureing .002 neck run out on my cases. is this an exceptable amount of runout or should I talk to Rem about the chamber
Thanks Toklat
If a 1.5" group at 100 yards is Remingtons spec for acceptable accuracy I can tell you this, They'll think .002" runout in their chamber is match grade.

When you fire formed did you jam or jump the bullets??

That Remington barrel was probably manufactured using the hammer forge method. I can see how a chamber could actually be crooked with its self using this method. When you ream a chamber, it might not be true with anything else, but at least it will produce a straight case when fired.
I agree with Roscoe. If you reported that to Remington, they would probably say "So".......jackie