Cataract surgery


New member
Question for the rimfire benchrest shooters who have had cataracts removed. Could you see much better after the surgery? If you wore glasses before did you still need them? Did it help your shooting? About to have it done and was wondering what others have experienced. Thanks for your time.

Question for the rimfire benchrest shooters who have had cataracts removed. Could you see much better after the surgery? If you wore glasses before did you still need them? Did it help your shooting? About to have it done and was wondering what others have experienced. Thanks for your time.

I got to where I couldn't see the flags with my left eye. They did both eyes and I got basically 20-20 vision in both eyes now. You will need to wear sunglasses more after but that's some of what caused the problem in the first place. Don't wait, do it now. I chose to go with reading glasses but wonder now if correcting distance wouldn't be better. I think i'd do that if i were to do it again. Have to wear readers all the time anyway if one doesn't always want to be hunting for them. I've never minded glasses. For those who have worn one of each contact, they can do the same with lenses but they want to be sure folks can deal with it first.
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When I had mine done, the replacement lenses came in ½ dioptre increments, so, if the ophthalmologist measures your eye accurately, you could still end up with up to ¼ dioptre miss on perfect vision.

As it turned out, my left (off) eye is spot on, way better than 20/20, but the master eye is ¼ dioptre short. this means that the latter is about perfect to clear an iron foresight but for scope shooting I have a lens cut to correct that ¼ and cut out my astigmatism.
I appreciate the response. It's my right eye and I am right handed. Have an ARA match tomorrow and plan on using my left eye to get lined up. Will then shoot heads up. Just have to deal with it till I can have the surgery.