Case Trimmers



Since I'm new to BR Shooting I need some recommendations on Case Trimmers.
I currently have an old Lyman Power Trimmer and I'm pretty sure that's not what
I want to trim cases with for Benchrest Shooting! Thanks in advance to all.

The Wilson case trimmer with Square peg attachment is a slick tool. Quick and easy to use.
Do you sit sidesaddle to run your Wilson or do you spin the handle square on? I clamp mine parallel, not square but then again, I have the base that stands off the bench.

That Square Peg thingee looks cute, better than the leetle wing thingee Sinclair sells - looks like it would pull the case right back onto the stop with that cam. And the washer between the locknut & the handle. Did it come with that or was it your idea?

I bolted a piece of .760 square alumina to the bottom and just clamp it in my vice.


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Let me tell you guys my take. The Wilson is a nice tool, IF you buy a whole bunch of extra crap to go with it.... The Forster Case trimmer with a few pilots and collets is great, which is what I use.

Sorry die hard wilson guys and gadget buyers.

I'm with Paul. The Forester and a pilot for each caliber does a great job. On the Wilson, a good trimmer, you must buy a sleeve for each cartridge body needed. Much more expensive if you need a trimmer for several cartridges.
I like the Wilson concept....I don't like the idea of a pilot spinning inside my "meticulously prepped for BR" necks. The Forster costs 2x as much. Granted you get most of the collets and pilots you would normally need with the Forster.....but I can buy 4 case holders for that $ difference....those who reload for a few chamberings will have less tool components (especially those small pilots) to contend with.
Depending on what you shoot the case holders will fit a number of case with similar taper like 243-308-358 ect


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I like the Wilson concept....I don't like the idea of a pilot spinning inside my "meticulously prepped for BR" necks. The Forster costs 2x as much. Granted you get most of the collets and pilots you would normally need with the Forster.....but I can buy 4 case holders for that $ difference....those who reload for a few chamberings will have less tool components (especially those small pilots) to contend with.
.....and I have a VLD chamferring tool that cuts square every time & exactly to the desired depth
.....and I have my Whidden meplatter that indexes from the projectile base & can thus be used to final sort
Since pgrdog mentioned BR shooting and this is a BR Forum I will assume we are talking about trimming BR cases and not 30-30s shot in granddad's Winchester. So, how many BR cases do you need to trim? I shoot both point blank and long range and have a need to trim 4 different cases, at the most. For point blank, trimming at the matches, there is only one. So, I use the little gizmo that indexes off the shoulder. Such as the one that Homer Strickland used to make and Sinclair used to sell. One for each cartridge. One twist and she's done. I do that as a step in the reloading process and the cases never need to be trimmed more than a hair, usually not even that much.

I make my own trimmers but any good gunsmith should be able to make one using the chamber reamer. All that you need to complete them are a few of the old Lee cutter heads, easily found.


I like the Wilson concept....I don't like the idea of a pilot spinning inside my "meticulously prepped for BR" necks. The Forster costs 2x as much. Granted you get most of the collets and pilots you would normally need with the Forster.....but I can buy 4 case holders for that $ difference....those who reload for a few chamberings will have less tool components (especially those small pilots) to contend with.
Cost is about a pickem situation;

Wilson;Retail: Standard Trimmer: $60.00 (Case Holder not included)
Case holder (ea) ;Suggested Retail: $14.00 rifle
$22.00 special case holders

Forester; $74.99

Collets Included: Yes Collets #1, #2, #3 (they will fit most rifle cases from the 17 Remington to the 375 H&H and most handgun cases from 38 Special to 45 Colt (Long Colt)
Pilots Used: Forster
Pilots Included: Yes, Pilots for 22, 24, 25, 27, 28 and 30 caliber pilots. (Additional Pilots Sold Separately)
Features: Used to trim cases from 17 Caliber (with additional 17 caliber cutter shaft Not Included) up to 458 Caliber
Cost is about a pickem situation;

Wilson;Retail: Standard Trimmer: $60.00 (Case Holder not included)
Case holder (ea) ;Suggested Retail: $14.00 rifle
$22.00 special case holders

Forester; $74.99

Collets Included: Yes Collets #1, #2, #3 (they will fit most rifle cases from the 17 Remington to the 375 H&H and most handgun cases from 38 Special to 45 Colt (Long Colt)
Pilots Used: Forster
Pilots Included: Yes, Pilots for 22, 24, 25, 27, 28 and 30 caliber pilots. (Additional Pilots Sold Separately)
Features: Used to trim cases from 17 Caliber (with additional 17 caliber cutter shaft Not Included) up to 458 Caliber


You forgot to mention that the Forster comes complete with a stand, the Wilson sucks unless you buy a stand. The Forster uses collets, the Wilson uses case holders that require you to hold them in place firmly or purchase a clamping device separately. The Forster has a micro adjustment set screw on the stop collar, The Wilson should be fitted with a Micrometer stop, also sold seperately.

Through a strange set of circumstances, (A friend of my Aunt got out of shooting) This Old Doctor gave me a fully out fitted Wilson trimmer along with some other stuff... So I have both, I use the Forester.

The Forster gets the job done, the Wilson requires about $200 bucks worth of accessories.

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I like the Wilson concept....I don't like the idea of a pilot spinning inside my "meticulously prepped for BR" necks.

Since the originator of this thread wanted pointers on case trimmers and not trying to get pi$$y here but have you ever used a borescope to look inside the necks of virgin Lapua 220 Russian cases, or after they are blown out, or after they have been expanded for the neck turner?
I find I need to trim the cases I use in BR after several firings to keep consistancy in this month's PS mag by Jack Neary.
Bruno's prices on Wilson are about 1/2 of those stated let's be fair.
I simply hold my Wilson in a bench vice (every reloader should have one), and use thumb pressure to hold the caseholder......the minimum of gizmo's to get the job done.
I used a Lyman (for 30 years) that used pilots and it was always problematic for me. A spinning pilot made of mild steel in a carboned neck can't be a good thing after a while.
Since I'm new to BR Shooting I need some recommendations on Case Trimmers.
I currently have an old Lyman Power Trimmer and I'm pretty sure that's not what
I want to trim cases with for Benchrest Shooting! Thanks in advance to all.


I've been at this game for about 47 years. In that span, I've used Lee, Redding, Forster and Wilson trimmers. Any of them will do a good job, this isn't rocket science. If $$ is no object, buy one of everything, trim about 100 cases with each, measure the results, think about the job and pick the one that suits you.

I have used the same Wilson for about 25 years, clamped in a vice using my left thumb as the hold down. Now it's mounted on a Sinclair base with the swinging arm hold down. Works fine for my use.

Maybe the trimmers with built-in or add-on micrometers are the cat's pajamas, but I'm not going to pay nearly $200 for a case trimmer.

With a little common sense, any of them will do a fine job.

Good luck.

Has anybody out there had any experience with the portable units that index off the case shoulder, say for a PPC specific application?
We have one made by Homer Strickland. Homer is one of the nice guys in the sport, His tool is great to have for emergency situations, but I have not been able to keep that tool from chattering when in use. A chattered up neck end that is the right length, sure beats a smooth neck end that is too long. I prefer cutting cases in a case trimmer.

Has anybody out there had any experience with the portable units that index off the case shoulder, say for a PPC specific application?

I have two, a Possum Hollow and one Jim Goody sells. Jim's is made from Aluminum and nicer to hang on to. I have a Wilson as well. I mostly use the one Jim sells, it being easier. Jim's has a Pilot in it plus indexes off the shoulder.
I have both the Forrester and a Wilson. I much prefer the Wilson. On the forrester, I find you have to push the case toward the collet ( with the pilot inserted into the mouth ) to lock it up. I never cared for this . I bought my Wilson used form Bob White ( The Shooters Corner) which came with a ppc case holder, so I simply had to buy one for the .220 Russion brass. Also, it's an older model which has a stand and a device for holding down the case holder.

I also have a device from Homer Strickland that works ok on the range, if you don't press too hard to begin with, one can pretty much get away from the chatter. After much do you think you need to take off when you trim them at home to 1.485 ?