Had a customer bring by a Alpha Legacy coated carbide reamer for a 22 GT. I have always used HSS. I run a low pressure flush with dark oil, any suggestions for speeds and feeds.
I've never heard of Alpha Legacy. Carbide I get from JGS I run at 250-300 RPM's with flush oil. I have had reamers supplied by OEM's and they were ground for high HP machines and rigid fixturing. Sometimes I could use them and sometimes I couldn't.
Last reamer I bought came from Manson as PT&G was having some type of issues.
Had a customer bring by a Alpha Legacy coated carbide reamer for a 22 GT. I have always used HSS. I run a low pressure flush with dark oil, any suggestions for speeds and feeds.
Your approach of running the reamer at 400rpm with plenty of oil and without a pilot is a good starting point. It's important to maintain a consistent cutting pressure and listen to the feedback provided by the reamer. This will help you identify any issues and make necessary adjustments during the process.I have the Alpha Legacy 308 reamer. I've done a few chambers with it - manual lathe no flush system. Carbide is certainly an adventure in stress and patience. It was a REAL B**** to get started smoothly. But once it did you could EASILY feel/hear any issues. It's terribly picky about cutting pressure but again, it also gives you a lot of feedback, so listen to what it's telling you.
The two chambers I cut with it I was running 400rpm with a lot of oil and no pilot.
The last chamber had just over a tenth of runout, which I'm trilled with as it was a 5R barrel. I pre-cut the lands in the neck area as far as I dared. Once the reamer got into the throat and cutting lands you could hear it "ticking" away in there, so I kept the feed pressure up to keep it centered.
Long story short, I love the outcome but the process to get there was stressful.
PTG having issues? Tell me it ain't so!
What someone came up with after Remington bought out the Remington custom shop action and barreled action inventory.
FWIW I bought 2 of their stainless Rem 700 trigger guards and sent both back because the follower spring wouldn't fit in the floorplate. If there are 2 different spring widths they should specify which one the guards were for.
People who come up with this sort of stuff, people who pass on this sort of stuff, people who laff at this sort of stuff, people who like this sort of stuff, people who send stuff back, people who judge without being capable of judgement....... people who THINK this way and are too silly to know they're silly......... are the reason we're where we are.
My governor, my state just ILLEGALLY BANNED semi-automatic rifles because typical gun-people are too bloody stupid to expend their time, money and opinions learning to make better decisions, instead wastings precious resources on infighting, backbiting and otherwise assiduously tilting at windmills....
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BTW my guess is that your last phrase regarding "pissed off" and "ire" and "incentive" is directed at me...... #1, I'm incapable of being "pissed off", I have no "ire" nor is any "ire directed at you"........ I'm just stating as fact that poor decisions, feelings-based decisions have put us squarely where we are. Inexorable. Go back ten yrs, twenty yrs on this forum to find me predicting everything we're now dealing with. You're new here, we're like two ships in the night. I fought for many yrs, tried to change hearts and minds ....... and have learned that liberals CANNOT change as a leopard cannot change it's spots. But I CAN back out, not though without affirming my position re folks who'll grunt from the bushes about fine business people out doing good work in the world.
Dave Kiff is Good People......... this is one time I'll speak up, my name is in a thread where PTG is being unfairly harrassesed by human jackals.
And I despise jackals.
So jump on in, there are 5 or 6 more of you out there lurking LOL, biting your tongues... remind us who you are!
Pick on the Kiff
Downgrade The Donald
I also revere The Founders and love my Mother.
Bring it you'se un-American Biotches.... they TAUGHT Civics back when y'all were in school, didn't lissen too good didja'
Constantly with the "Wha' Hoppened???"
MUDDY THINKING hoppened.....
Just keep sending stuff back
The market adjusts
You guessed wrong. Not directed at you. My comment about ire and pissed off refers to the shooters like the ass in Allen, Tejas, who choose to vent their displeasures by shooting at innocent folks who did them no harm. I thought that was obvious. The world knows in minutes that they got their "revenge" and that's probably all that matters to them. It's stuff like that that's causing your Governor to ban "assault style" firearms.
I'm sure Dave is a great guy. When I ordered the first trigger guard they must have finished up a sizeable run because they had lots in stock, over 100 IIRC. It didn't say some fitting may be required so was I supposed to grind down the spring to fit? What about all of the other folks who ordered? I can't believe I was the only complainer. BTW I've kept lots of stuff over the years that wasn't quite right so there's that.
Best not give me a reason to send stuff back. At least I didn't ask for a refund.
Thak you for your tolerance.... while I strongly disagree with your assessment that "It's stuff like that that's causing your Governor to ban "assault style" firearms." At least it's somewhat rational...... IMO the reason the govt is using this sort of story is the old mantra "never let a perfectly good crisis go to waste"
By sending a thing back you're making a statement and the statement is "you're too stupid to make a product that works. And then you unload it on the unsuspecting public"..... David is neither stupid nor mis-informed nor seeking to "unload broken stuff on uninformed people" therefore there must be another explanation.