Capitol City, Me 7/22 Club UL Match

Pete Wass

Well-known member
We held out monthly UL evening match yesterday. It was a hot one yesterday topping out around 90* just before the match started. As we were about to start I guess the tide changed and a pesky cool South breeze began to blow ( The tide comes all the way to Augusta). It got swirly and never did lay down. Thanks everyone for coming to support this event and all the help. A great Pizza followed :).

UL 1

1. Gary Hamilton 248-17
2. Paul Bendix 248-7
3. John Hassam 246-12

UL 2

1. John Hassam 250-11
2. Paul Bendix 249-15
3. Gary Hamilton 249-13

UL 3

1. Gary Hamilton 250-20
2. Keith Royal 249-14
3. Randy Lyons 249-10


1. Gary Hamilton 747-50
2. Paul Bendix 744-33
3. John Hassam 740-37
4. Pete Wass 739-44
5. Keith Royal 738-37
6. Randy Lyons 734-30
7. Klayton Hayes 724-22
8. Dave Piccuito 721-21
9. Joe Robbins 696-18
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Thanks for running the Tue night Unlimited matches. Enjoyed seeing and shooting with everyone!
Great shooting Gary and John, tough night for any 250's.
YOU re welcome Paul

Thanks for running the Tue night Unlimited matches. Enjoyed seeing and shooting with everyone!
Great shooting Gary and John, tough night for any 250's.

It's always nice to have you join us.
