Capitol City, Maine 6-10-14 UL

Pete Wass

Well-known member
A decrease of 25* opposed to Sundays temps and a fairly stiff breeze greetad shooters to Capitol City, Maine's Tuesday twilight UL match AKA, " The Cooper Follies". 8 shooters joined us last evening and the match went smoothly. Thanks to all for participating and for the help with the Heavy Lifting; particularly Randy. The new light box and that new IR 50/50 plug sure improved being able to see to score.

Klayton finally got his new Ezell Tuner adjusted to where his Cooper liked it in the last match. Good Card Klayton.

The results are as follows:

UL 1

1. Gary Hamilton 249-13
2. Keith Royal 247-17
3. Pete Wass 247-10

UL 2

1. Gary Hamilton 247-12
2. Keith Royal 246-11
3. Pete Wass 245-14

UL 3

1. Klayton Hayes 250-16
2. John Hassam 249-19
3. Keith Royal 248-15

Grand Agg:

1. Keith Royal 741-43
2. Gary Hamilton 741-39
3. Pete Wass 738-36
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A plug in for Keith

"But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;........." Welcome to Team Cooper of Maine. Great AGG. for a old beater, thrown together, from spare parts Cooper. The ammo was at least 6 years old, had a lot of dust on it, and was mixed lots. Keith you are in a select group this morning, few can look in the mirror and say, "I beat The Captain". Super consistent shooting. Now thinking back on all this.....It was the SHAVE and HAIRCUT not The Cooper! Good shooting see you Sunday.
Sooper Cooper!

Yeah, Buddy, Nice shooting...Sounds to me like the "Sooper Cooper" I hope to be seeing you at your Maine state shoot's next month. You guys are going to have a cult following before you know it. Go Cooper! Ed.
Thanks once again Pete for all you do. Also to Randy for his efforts.
Thank you Klayton for the cudos. Although the rifle kinda steered itself. Very nice last card! Congrats!
& thank you Ed....I'm guesin' it was said tongue in cheek. Your welcome up here anytime!