Can you name this shooter??


1) He is not as new as he looks!!
2) He is freshly older and has a bubbly personality!!


  • newdude.jpg
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That Is One Cute Kid

From the age that the photo appears, it's gotta Be Tony Boyer..........jackie
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Gotta be a trick question judging by the long curly locks and pink clothes.
I think Wayne's trying to throw us off. It's gotta be Faye Boyer. Parents didn't allow their boys to have long hair like that...back in those days.
I'm going to name him Fred.
It's probably not his current name...but the question was can I name him... Yep. Just did. :D
that's a real stumper. I don't think the photo or the cherry dining table is that old,I'm guessin early sixties, which would put our mystery 4 yr old kid in his mid 50's.His out fit appears new but his shoes have some miles on them so I'm thinkin' not a rich kid but not a poor kid either as his legs aren't scratched up and his knees aren't encrusted with dirt as was the norm in our neighborhood.Andy's Jack Neary guess was close but I don't think so as the kid just looks too "good" to be the devilish Mr. Neary.
How bout some more clues ?
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When I first saw it that mess of blond hair made me think of Jackie.
did we get it rite yet!!...

There are lots-0-good guesses,,,maby "Red" Cornellison..:confused:......Roger is a pic of me and my youngest son who has shot with me here in the ER over the yrs....I think it looks like the same kid...just one in color and one in black and white.:D


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The answer is in this picture

I wish the man a happy birthday last Sunday. 70 yrs and still on top!! Pretty impressive!! I figure he is good for at least another 20. Look at Mike Walker.


  • olddude.jpg
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Aw-C'mon Wayne, that ain't fair !

That picture's been doctored up,they didn't even have colored film back then,besides I've never seen Tony without his hat on which is probably good,cause if he took it off and all that curly red hair came rollin out,that would be really weird.
Happy belated 70th Tony !