Can we save this bolt face, burnt


New member
New guy swapped primers after running out and didn't know to stop shooting. I wasn't there that weekend to help him out. Just guessing but perhaps it will take approx .020" to clean it up. Not sure if the extractor will function with so much taken off.


Great, I just noticed a dent on the lower lug as well, probably on the action too.


Looks like it'll be easier for him to get one off Fred, well, alot easier for me :D
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It would be easiest to just replace the bolt head - easy to do on a Savage like that.

It also works well to drill out the bad area and bush the bolt face to correct this if for some reason you want to save this bolt head, or if this would happen to another type rifle that isn't so easy to replace the bolt. If you do it correctly then you end up with the same headspace you started out with and you can reduce the firing pin tip diameter at the same time, which works great.

Gordy Gritters
I remember reading of a repair for this, and finally found it after hunting through my books. :)
From " Mauser M98 & M96 How to build your favorite Custom Rifle" by R.A. Walsh.


Probably not very cost effective in this case, but presented for interest sake anyhow. :D
I have done Savage bushings before, in fact my 6mm Dasher bolt is bushed. I use a bushing depth of .300 so the firing pin is always supported, which it is not normally, and re-cut the vent hole. On this particular 223 head, the gas cutting is over 1/4" diameter. I might do it for a learning exercise.
Repairing That Bolt Head ...

... Is like painting a compost pile, not worth the trouble! A new bolt head; ejector; ejector spring; extractor; extractor spring and detent ball all added up will be cheaper than the set up to fix that one.
... Is like painting a compost pile, not worth the trouble!


So all that time I spent back on the farm prettying up for comp'ny was just a waste of time!

man, now I'm remembering why I hated farming so much! :rolleyes:

Been there ...

... Done that and ran the Tee shirt through the bailer! I mowed my field today because you never know when the Northwest Washington Rain Festival will begin and once it starts your toast for mowing or cultivating. I try to stay ahead of things because I hate mowing in a Northeaster (the only time it will get dry in the winter) because my place looks sooo bad. place looks sooo bad.
Not half as bad as that bolt head looks.

With that gas cutting on the bolt face & similar pitting on the extractor and elsewhere, the crud spread round the engagement side of the lugs & into the relief cut to say nothing of that chip off the lug, is it really something you'd want to see a homemade repair on?