Camp Maria Match Report For 11/24/2018

Dave Zinski

New member
Camp Maria Indoor Match Report For 11/24/2018

Camp Maria Indoor Match Report For 11/24/2018

We had a nice morning to shoot with light winds a crossed the range. Ron Price shot two great match scores with his FWB 300S. Ron's first three targets total was 734 and 23 X's. Next he followed that match with a three target higher total scores and a higher X's count of 735 and 24 X's.

Thank you to Jim Benson, John Parrish, Matt Spradlin and Ron Price for setting up for the match and putting everything away after it. The match wouldn't happen with out everybody's help. Thank you to Matt Spradlin for helping to score the targets after the match.

Name Class Equipment/Cal. T1 Score x's T2 Score x's T3 Score x's Total Score Total X's
Relay 1
Ron Price Spring Piston FWB 300S/.177 T1 244 9x T2 247 6x T3 243 8x Total Score 734 Total X's 23x
Matt Spradlin Spring Piston FWB 300S/.177 T1 225 0x T2 229 3x T3 227 1x Total Score 681 Total X's 4
Jim Benson Spring Piston FWB 300S/.177 T1 226 2x T2 236 3x T3 231 3x Total Score 693 Total X's 8
John Parrish HV Thomas/.177 T1 248 1 x T2 248 13x T3 248 6x Total Score 744 Total X's 30
Dave Zinski LV Thomas/177 T1 245 8x T2 247 10x T3 243 8x Total Score 735 Total X's 21
Relay 2
Ron Price Spring Piston FWB 300S/.177 T1 244 7x T2 245 9x T3 246 8x Total Score 735 Total X's 24
Matt Spradlin Spring Piston FWB 300S/.177 T1 217 0x T2 227 1x T3 229 1x Total Score 670 Total X's 2
Dave Zinski LV Thomas/.177 T1 249 15x T2 247 12x T3 248 11x Total Score 744 Total X's 38
Dave Zinski Match Director
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Congratulations to Ron Price

Congratulations to Ron Price for his two new high Indoor 25 yards Verified USA Spring Piston Records.

I just got notice yesterday that Ron Price set two new high Verified USA Spring Piston Records in last months Camp Maria's matches on 11/24/2018. Ron used his FWB 300S to shoot these two scores with.

Dave Zinski Match Director
Camp Maria
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