Cactus - Final Report & Images


Jeff Welker

Let's cut to the chase - Jack Neary won the 2-gun with a .20XX agg. Well done Jack :D

It was a very challenging day with heavy rain, winds, and range flooding. Every competitor worked hard to overcome the conditions and shoot small. Kudos to Gary Ocock and his crew for getting everyone through an extremely tough day - who said it never rains in Arizona.

The severe conditions took their toll as evidenced by this photo of Jack Snyder and Larry Baggett. I'll leave it up to you to decide which fellow is Larry and which is Jack :eek:

This is a look at the Ben Avery refuge camp during a let-up in the rain.

Someone made a small fortune selling tarps.

Doc Marsh and Ed Maxwell counting rain drops while the target crew digs their van out of the mud.

Nothing stopped Gary's intrepid target crew from delivering the mail.

A view from the benches for the LV 200 match.

A view of Lake Ocock.

A photo of the cast from the TV series "Survivor".

As the last relay was being shot, a break in the clouds brought a ray of hope.

Doris and Dennis clapping after Gary read one of his favorite poems.

2010 Cactus Classic Champion Jack Neary preparing to remove his clothes and swim a victory lap around the range.

All of the 2010 Cactus Classic winners. A detailed match report will be posted in a couple of days. Congrats to all.
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Congrats to least you weren't laying down in it...:D
I hope my first few matches don't end up with weather like this! :D
The look of Doris' dog under the RO podium says it all! We were all feeling like that after awhile.:eek:
Jeff - could you post pictures as attachments, I'd like to share the images of the conditions with some family and friends. Regards, Chuck
Jeff - could you post pictures as attachments, I'd like to share the images of the conditions with some family and friends. Regards, Chuck

Hey Chuck:

The photos are too large (bytes) to post as an attachment. Send me a PM and I'll get them to you another way. I have several more photos of the entire 2010 Cactus and would be happy to share.
