C-Bar cleaning solution at the Cactus



I can't make the match this year but Sam Langhofer has offered to haul some down. If you would let me know how much to bring would appreciate it. Thanks!

For those of us who don't know, what is it about this cleaning solution that makes it different or desirable.

For those of us who don't know, what is it about this cleaning solution that makes it different or desirable.



From what I saw on the first and subsequent use, it works. First couple of wet patches took the carbon, the following wet patches took the copper fouling. This is based on cleaning ARs.

Cleaning the bolt and carrier, just soak and wipe, the carbon residue wipes off.

From the sample Richard gave the team, the kids will like this stuff. The coaches will even happier.

The first testing I did when I tested a new upper. Fired the first 3 shots through a new barrel, and then cleaned it. The next 3 shots dumped right on top of the first 3. No shift in POI. Could just be the barrel, but often times it seems like there is POI shift unless you run an alcohol patch through to remove any chemical residue. Why is cold clean bore shot is important to us? Sometimes we shoot a no sighter match, and sometimes we start on the no sighter match at 600.

I understand, the sample size is small to draw any conclusion with high confidence, but it is a data point, and it looks good so far.

Here are a couple of pictures taken through the spotter. Used an old target that I practiced on the previous day. Look at the holes at 3 o'clock, the first 3 and then the next 3. Range 200 yards, 4.5X ?March scope.

Thank you, Richard.


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Sam stopped by

this morning and picked up the bore cleaner. I sent a few extra bottles in case somebody wants to give it a try.
He will get there Thursday around noon so look him up.

Not very impressed with the individual you sent with your product, finally caught up with him Sunday morning to pick up the 2 bottles I ordered and he says he sold it all! if that’s the way you do business,
Well let’s just say I won’t bother ordering again.
I am sorry to hear that

There was a list of who ordered what attached to the boxes. Everybody makes mistakes though.
PM your address and the shipping is on me. That work for you?
