Butch Lambert -- Drop port to .30BR?

Charles E

Butch -- or anyone who's done it

I have a new .30 barrel that is going to have to go on an action with a PPC boltface. I'd kinda like to use my drop port Viper, but it is glued in, as is the funnel.

Rebating the case rims is no problem, but if I open up the "funnel" hole. (1) How much?, and (2) Will it still work well with the PPC? Are PPC rounds more apt to jam when loading with the larger hole? That happens now & then, and is a real mess when they jam. (I've been called fumble fingers more than once . . .)

I have a Hugh Henriksen .30 BR reamer and am going to stick with it. There are hummer reamers, too.
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I just sold a Hall HV rifle that has a PPC boltface. I rebated a couple hundred cases for it. Rebating them isn't a big deal but a cutter ground for the job is very helpful.
I have a Hugh Henriksen .30 BR reamer and am going to stick with it. There are hummer reamers, too.

Charles...I agree that Henrikson makes "the best" reamers...how long did you have to wait for your 30BR reamer when your ordered it..???

Eddie in Texas
Heard great things about them. Jumped at the chance to buy a brand new Henrickson in 30 Major. Can't wait to try it out. It should be here tomorrow.
I opened up the neck area of a Viper action while it was still glued into the stock. I used a burr mounted in a hand drill and carefully opened up the neck a little on each side. I don't remember the exact dimension but you only have to remove about .010 or .015" on each side. I came up through the drop port exit hole in the bottom of the stock. Remove the trigger of course.

I have a lot of experience using a die grinder so I felt confident doing this. I used a hand drill as a die grinder is not forgiving. The surface you end up with is not perfectly uniform but it is functional and it saves undoing the glue in. As you proceed keep blackening the fresh surface with a Sharpie so you cut only the high parts.
Thanks Ray, Have you put a PPC barrel back on? how does the port work with the PPC after being opened up, esp in loading a PPC round?

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For those of you asking about Henriksen reamers. The first thing you have to decide is "I want a Henriksen reamer." That's about all you get to decide. Hugh takes his time. He will, if asked, give you a date, but he usually won't be able to make it. When you ask again, same pattern. You will eventually get your reamer. Might be a year. If this bothers you too much, if you are going to get mad, don't order a reamer from Hugh.

Actually, a good reamer is a good reamer. Most of the people mentioned on this board make good reamers, I guess. Why I use Henriksens: (1) I've decided I'm going to shoot a chambering for a long time, so the wait is only a small investment, and (2) I'm no tool & die maker, not even a real machinist. I can't spot subtle problems with a reamer, don't know enough about what matters, or how to work around an issue. Cookbook worker.

One thing have found out is there is less likelihood of a reamer having a problem when Hugh makes it, so that fits with my cookbook skills. That's not his specialty, of course. I imagine he enjoys working with Alan Warner a lot more than me, they're a pair. I like Hugh well enough, but we usually wind up taking about the country in Northern California and Southern Oregon, which we both moved in when we were young.
You have to place the round in front of the drop port no matter what size the neck is. I have found it better to go ahead and push the cartridge at least part way into the chamber because if you don't you will occasionally have the bolt refuse to close even on an unmodified drop port.
I agree, Henrikson reamers are the best. I have two and each took the better part of a year to get, but I knew that and was willing to wait. I moved away from another brand because of dimension problems with 2..specifically freebore dimensions that were undersized and would never let the bullet reach the rifling when chambering a loaded round. This was determined on the range and then on an optical comparitor by someone who knows how to use it. Both my henrikson reamers were 100% SPOT ON in every dimension + or - the small tolerances allowed. Gosh, there are enough gremlins in this game and one of them can't be reamer tolerances cause most of us just accept the fact they are on dimensions. Well, some are not. Other brands just aren't worth the risk. Regards --Greg
Charles, I was just infomed Butch is in the hospital in ICU. I do not know much more at this time. Our prayers go out to him and his family for a fast recovery.
Sorry to hear that about Butch. Hopefully all goes well and he's o.k. Our thoughts and prayers will be with them as well. Keep us posted.--Mike Ezell
@Charles E.:

Can you send me the emailadress and/or phonenumber from Hugh Henriksen?
Thanks a lot.
I have read it on this forum that Stillers Drop Port PPC actions are not designed to handle a BR case and that he apparently makes the port larger if it is for a BR case. I do not know this for a fact but if it is true you may need to do much more than rebate rims and enlarge the funnel in stock.

Thanks Dick,

I've now seen one. Roy Darnell converted one for Phil Lewis. It shoots both PPC and .30 BR. It is a bit of work, but was described earlier in this post. Sadly, I'm still trying to decide whether or not to put a .30 barrel on my DP-Viper. You'd think I could make up my mind faster.
Charles, I'm pretty sure you know this but there are other cartridges that work well and don't require much work. Just open the neck portion of the DP and you're good to go on a PPC bolt face....I use one of them myself(30 Major), and am very happy with it. I think it makes good sense and I know it works well. I was going to PM this but it seems your pm's are disabled.--Mike Ezell