bush firing pin for me ?

Why did'nt low pressure cast bullet load's in my .308 pierce primer's?. To me! low pressure, and pierced primer's just does'nt go together. Slow burning powder with a very reduced load can be a different story, though I have never been around that type of happening.
you mean you need two bolt heads ? i can provide you with that
No, I mean if I had an extra head kicking around doing nothing, I could bush it and send it to you. That is if it is possible, I will look into it.
I'm in Canada so for you to ship that part to me might not be allowed.

I took a look at the head and it will accept a bushing, the internal shape is similar to a rem 700 head. I would use a top hat style press fit bushing like on a rem 700 and the pin would need to be turned. The length of the tip would need to be increased so it is captured during it's entire travel.
