Bullet Jackets

I hope it isn't about the jackets from J4 but someone else told it is true about Sierra not selling anymore jackets…….. jim
bullet jackets.

Check out sierra s web site. for now they are only taking back orders for small quantities of 1 M
on a back order basis. They say that they are far to busy to make any extras for sale. No bulk orders at this time.
bullet jackets.

It may be about the new source of jackets I was told about by two different people.
Bruno still has the .825 j4 jackets for sale.
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Nosler advertised they use J-4 jackets on their 30 cal. 168's. I'm sure they use them for other bullets also. Sierra to my knowledge, that's 33+ years, has never used J-4's. That doesn't pass the common sense test. I was buying jackets from Sierra probably 33 years ago for 22 and 6mm's. They weren't J-4's.
+1 on Dave's post....

The jackets I got from Sierra were clearly not made in the same machines as any other. I bought about 200,000...or rather I got 100,000 with the bullet equipment and bought 100,000 by hook or crook along the way. The jackets I received from Sierra were all in a big plastic pouch, I think, and the jackets I got from J-4 were in buckets.
I appreciate the clarifications guys. For some reason I thought they used J4's on some of their Match Kings but sold their own in bulk. Doesn't sound like that's the case though. I'm also aware they couldn't match J4's on quality.

Bullet jackets

some truths about J4 vs Sierra jacket.

both are very good Sierras are thinner and harder , they also form up better in the point forming stage.

J4 jackets are thicker and softer. a bit harder to work with, they also take different core seating punches as to diameter.

Both are uniform in weight , and lengths.

J4 are always bright and shiny Sierras may be different colors at times, both hold very close wall thickness,

Sierra are less $$$ the J4s Both make excellent bullets. you buy Sierra bullets in packs of 1 m J4 are sold in buckets + or _ 1 % on the counts.

J4 also has different quantities as to jacket lengths. check Brunos web site see how J4 jackets are packed.
Nosler advertised they use J-4 jackets on their 30 cal. 168's. I'm sure they use them for other bullets also. Sierra to my knowledge, that's 33+ years, has never used J-4's. That doesn't pass the common sense test. I was buying jackets from Sierra probably 33 years ago for 22 and 6mm's. They weren't J-4's.

Nosler advertised using J4 jackets on their 168gn 30 cal match bullet for less than 12 months after the bullet was launched. They continued to promote the bullet, but with no mention of the jacket source - I believe their use of J4 jackets was quite short lived.
I probably shouldn't have used the word "quality". I know Sierra jackets are well made. My experience with each is pretty limited and quite dated (we've been out of the bullet making game for years now so I'm not up on the current runs). As such, I really do appreciate the feedback.

When my dad and I were making bullets in the late 80's and early 90's we primarily used J-4's. We had access to two sets of dies and on occasion we'd form with Sierras. Thickness varied a bit more between those lots (and even within the same batch). If we segregated them however they ran neck-and-neck with J-4s.

Excellent Sierra Jackets

...I'm also aware they couldn't match J4's on quality.

I've used 224 cal FB and BT bullets made on Sierra Jackets, and they were among the best bullets I've ever used. Recently, I've tried Bart's 6mm bullets made on Sierra jackets in the rail-gun, and they too were exceptional.

Greg Walley
Kelbly's Inc.
I know..

J4's are available from time to time and same with Sierra. However, one may just have to buy Berger bullets to get J4 jackets down the road? --Greg

Especially with Berger more than doubling bullet production capacity.

Listen to a few bullet makers, for themselves, say Sierra jackets are very good. Just what I'm told. Perhaps we've been sold a superiority story by J4 when they used to frequent this site? Greg
Similar discussion in 2012. Better, though.


Y'all seem to forget that consistency over time is an issue with any manufactured product. When Sierra's are good, they are very, very good. Just like J-4's they are not *always* good. So somebody gets jackets -- or bullets -- from this batch & says "Bleach" and that gets repeated all over the internet & amongst the talk of losers at matches, and from there, it becomes "so & so's bullets (or jackets) are always Bleach" and that becomes a "fact."