Brunos Press



Does anyone have any experience with Brunos O-frame press? Looks big and heavy duty enough. Thanks.
I agree completely. Only one problem, Bob is not making his press anymore. Know of one collecting dust?
I ordered & received one of Brunos ‘O’ frame presses last year. I’ve only seen photos of the Bob Dodd original so I can’t comment on the relative qualities of fit & finish between the two presses. Had the Dodd press still have been available it would have been my first choice just based on his reputation & because he did it first! Brunos press does seem nicely made though – apart from one problem with my particular press.

The main ‘O’ frame of the press has a mounting frame bolted on each side; as the handle is lowered the steel links are supposed to slide into recesses milled into these side frames but one of the links fouled the frame on one side & didn’t go into the recess (it stops the ram reaching the top of it’s stroke). I played about with the various bolts trying to centralise everything but the only way I could correct the situation was to put a very thin shim between the mounting frame & the ‘O’ frame.

It works now but I shouldn’t have had to have sorted out a problem which the assembler would have noticed if they’d have operated the press even just a single time. Returning goods shipped internationally is a pain otherwise I’d have returned the press for a replacement.

Aside from being sent a non functional press (I assume its a ‘one-off’) the quality of the press is good, it operates smoothly & looks fine on the loading bench. It's certainly strong - I think you'll wreck your loading table before you'll flex the 'O' frame.

There was a rather heated Brew-HAh a whileback when it appeared that Lester simply copied Bob's press.
Just about every good idea has been copied, it certainly isn't anything new.
While I do not own either, (good grief,I use RCBS Partners), from what I have heard, the Bruno is a rather well made copy.
The fact that Lester decided to copy Bob's press says something about the quality and design that Bob puts into all of his products. First class all the way........jackie
Dodd press

I agree completely. Only one problem, Bob is not making his press anymore. Know of one collecting dust?

From his site
Custom "O" frame reloading press

This little press has become very popular with the benchrest crowd and is the only gun item I currently manufacture. It features 7071 anodized aluminum, stainless steel and tool steel parts. It has a bronze bushing for the 7/8 diameter ram

Why would you guys in Benchrest need such obvious overkill with such a press? What Jackie said about the RCBS Partner press seemed reasonable to me for what you are doing. What am I missing?
What's Missing?

Why would you guys in Benchrest need such obvious overkill with such a press? What Jackie said about the RCBS Partner press seemed reasonable to me for what you are doing. What am I missing?

Until you start wearing a belt with suspenders, you won't really understand Benchresters or our logic. ...Dave

I have my own theory about presses.
First, most of the high end presses feature very close tolerances, the ram having just enough clearance to operate.
This is good, as long as everything else is also dead in alignment.
I believe the major function of the press is simple, it provides the power to insert the case, and remove it. In reality, the die is what does all of the work.
The presses I use are so darned loose that at first glance,you would think that there was no way that really straight ammunition could be produced by them.
But there is a method to the maddness. That loose ram allows the case to enter and seat into the dies with no binding, or other influence from the press.
As I said, most shooters scoof at my three dirty little Partner Presses lined up on my loading bench, that is, untill I show them how straight the rounds are.
Last year at Seymour, we had this very discussion. I noticed that that many shooters were using some sort of loaded round straightner. I told Scott Hunter that if his dies did their job, all of that would not be neccessary.
We all started comparing loaded rounds, and mine all typically exibited less than .001 runnout. Their's three times that much. Scott said that there was no way that worrn out junk could produce those rounds. As I just said, the object is to let the dies do what they are supposed to do,with as little inflence from outside sources, including the press, as possible.
I know it tends to be "anti-Benchrest'. But the proof is in the ammunition, and of course, the aggs........jackie
Common sense

Once again Jackie a very reasonable and lucid common sense thought process. I guess that's why you're so successful, it's the keep it simple approach.
I think that you are right about letting you press ram. "float". There are those that think that the Bonanza press produces straighter ammunition for that very reason. I think that the main reason that your loaded ammunition is so straight is that you use a customized one piece (non-bushing ) FL die, that is very straight inside. Also, it has been my observation that boat tail bullets cause less of a problem when it comes to seating straight with a given setup.
I'm with Jackie. I have 2 RCBS Partner presses that I take to matches. Got them both off ebay, the last one was brand new for about $40. I had to put some fine grinding compound on the ram to loosen it up a bit. I have a big monster on my bench if I want to do some heavy work. Yes the Partners are a bit heavier than the custom aluminum jobs, but they are about 1/4 the cost and do just as good a job. I use one for a FL sizer, the other for a small base sizer( I had a chamber about (0.010) short that needed the small base die about every other time. I seat with a Johnson straight line seater with a home made seater press that I think I have about $12 in it and that includes $10 for welding.
Just to get back to the original topic, I'll say that the Bruno's press is very well made, I use it quite a bit and it produces great ammo (6BR). A quality item, well worth the price. Shown here next to my Rockchucker for a size comparison. Looks nice and clean too! That was the day I got it.
German Salazar
For anyone that hasn’t seen it. This is Jackie’s loading table with the three presses.

My Press

I understand the loose fit of what Jackie is saying and how it allows the case and die to alien. Jaclie even forced me to use his presses and his back up gun at the Raton Nationals for the last agg, ( I beat him with his own stuff).
I knew going into the making of my press that not all dies would line up in the manner that was needed to make a good cartride. I built in at a point something to allow this to happen. Like a painting not all copies have the detail or care of the 1st.
Bob Dodd

Thanks to everyone, especially, Jackie, I have gotten quite an education on presses. Last time I asked, Bob said no more presses.