Boroscope ?



Borescope ?

While a Borescope is not at the very top of my list of equipment, i wouldn't mind having one at all. While looking around at them I found these security camera's. Seems like they are long enough at 36" and appear to be small enough, if I am reading the specs right. Question is has anyone tried one? Here's a link

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It doesn't talk of lens diameter or minimum focus distance. Looking in a barrel is a pretty close focus.

It's hard to tell.
4Mesh, Thanks for the response. Looks like there is not really a lot of interest in this subject though, maybe others have tried this and found it lacking.

I sent an e-mail to the sellers of this camera system as well as one to Snap-On Tools as they have a scope as well. The Snap-On is a wash as it is 9MM, and that just won't work for my 6.5 and 6MM barrels. And it appears that the security camera is 10MM, so once again a wash. Maybe Borescopes cost what they do for a reason Huhh?

I will delete this thread all together later today- No sense in taking up Band Width with a question that I found the answer too.


It doesn't hurt to leave it -- just might save someone else from having to make a lot of searches.

BTW, if/when you get a borescope, and it is a Hawkeye, pay special attention to the bit about not using it with solvents or even cutting oil in the bore. The lens/mirror (I forget which) is sensitive to them. I didn't learn this the hard way, but Jerry Stiller did... And told all of us. Thanks, Jerry.
Charles, I know you are correct but since I have a new Hawkeye I checked with Hawkeye about your concern.
They informed me that they have corrected this situation on their new models.
Now that you mention it, I do remember looking at these years ago and finding the stem end to be just a bit too big for use as a borescope. Even with a 30 cal. I've never seen one in action to know if it'll focus up at .150" distance. It would almost stand to reason that it would not. If it did, it probably would not focus at a long distance, but that they do. Slide under a door and look in or so they say.

Still, it might be nicer than a borescope for looking in at receiver lugs and such. For the relatively low cost, I'm surprised someone here hasn't grabbed one just to try it. Even if it didn't work for gun stuff, I can think of plenty of other uses for it, with or without a machine shop.