bore tech rimfire blend


mr. nobody

i just ordered a bottle of this and a few thousand patches. is this bore tech rimfire blend pretty good stuff?
A lot of guys swear by is a good cleaner, but everyone has thier own favorites....this is as highly thought of as any.

My only problem with it is it grabs at the bore bending the rod more than other cleaners. To me that means the rod rubs on the bore harder. Turpentine grabs the same way. Not sure how bad this is if at all. Rich
my god. i've put over 40 patches through the barrel on my hall actioned rifle and it is still not clean!!!! i've been using a bore mop and a brush as well. this thing is a mess. before i had never had to put more than 15 patches through it and they always ended up coming out clean. i wonder if i was wiping off the lube and fowling i had laid down over some that had been in there for years, and had hardened into the lands and grooves? this is ganna be a long session cleaning i can tell.
my god. i've put over 40 patches through the barrel on my hall actioned rifle and it is still not clean!!!! i've been using a bore mop and a brush as well. this thing is a mess. before i had never had to put more than 15 patches through it and they always ended up coming out clean. i wonder if i was wiping off the lube and fowling i had laid down over some that had been in there for years, and had hardened into the lands and grooves? this is ganna be a long session cleaning i can tell.
Strange.. I think I'd be putting a borescope in there and take a look around.
my god. i've put over 40 patches through the barrel on my hall actioned rifle and it is still not clean!!!! i've been using a bore mop and a brush as well. this thing is a mess. before i had never had to put more than 15 patches through it and they always ended up coming out clean. i wonder if i was wiping off the lube and fowling i had laid down over some that had been in there for years, and had hardened into the lands and grooves? this is ganna be a long session cleaning i can tell.

I have never needed over 4 patches but I clean it after every card and yes, the Boretech Rimfire Blend is what I use.

Try lighter fluid on a patch just once.

Concho Bill
i hate the stuff but it was a last resort before going to the store. i put some foaming bore scrubber in it and have allowed it to set for almost 45 minutes. i'm ganna be at this for awhile.

update the foaming cleaner did the job. the last 7 patches came out clean.
Something is not right to do that much scrubbing.

I use Rimfire Blend mixed with Kroil 40/60. Have not put a brush in my rifle since the beginning of 08. I can get buy shooting 2 cards. I also use Lead Out after 500 rds. followed with a wet patch of kroil and 4 dry.

Good Luck,

I don't think it has to be clean enough to eat from. A couple of pacthes to get the loose stuff out, a patch worked in the throat area about 6 times and pushed out, two clean patches and your ready to shoot. If putting it away for a while I leave a wet patch in the barrel. Your mileage may vary.
i cleaned the suhl out tonight as well. under 10 patches and it was sweet. i believe that barrel had been stored dirty. i could be wrong, but i really think it was.
I've put about 20,000 rounds through my Hart barreled 40X, cleaning after every target with one patch wetted with BoreTech followed by 4 dry patches. I like the stuff, but has anybody else noticed a "squealing" noise when pushing a cotton patch wetted with BoreTech RF blend through the bore? It's so loud that I wait till everyone is done shooting before I clean my guns for fear of disturbing shooters at the bench.

When I first started using BTRF I was using a Tipton Carbon Fiber rod, and everyone thought it was the rod causing the squeal. I've used Shooters Choice/Kroil with the same rod/jag setup without the noise, and have since switched to a Den Phillips stainless rod. Guess what? The BTRF squeals with the SS rod, too, so it must be the fluid? I'm out of Kroil, but I think I'll get some more and try a 50/50 mix to see if the oil quiets my cleaning process:)

Bore tech squeeks!

I had the squeek too! I took a file to my patch piercing rod end til the right amount of push was felt in the rod handle and the squeek went away:D
When you get the "squeak", that means that you barrel is "squeaky clean"..:D

I also use Bore Tech Rimfire Blend, but I haven't experienced the squeak yet..

well my bore tech came in today along with a couple of thiusand hoppes patches. the bore tech i do like. the hoppes patches are another story. i put one on mu brass jag and it went down the barrel wihout hitting a side it seemed so easy. i had to put 2 patches on the jag to make them thick enough to work!!!! now i did get 100 tipton super absorbent cotton flannel patches. now these work and with the bore tech it's hard as heck to get the patch through the barrel. i went back over the hall and the suhl with these patches and bore tech cleaner. these barrels are now cleaner than the day they were put on a gun that i am sure of.

if any body new is looking to buy cleaning patches stay away from the hoppes and look more toward the tipton patches. i'm ganna order a few thousand of another flannel patch brand and test those as well.

the bore tech does make it very hard to pass the patch through the bore, but i feel that it is cleaning the barrel much better because of the friction of cotton to the lands and grooves. i think it is getting down in there and doing all it can.
I don't know what size your patches are, it can matter which jag you are using, but 1 1/8 are my preference. I do have some 1 inch round that I use first to remove the loose stuff. Then I switch to the 1 1/8 for the real cleaning. But when they are gone I will stick with the 1 1/8. You might use your Hoppes for that first pass. Rich
Do not overlook the Pro-Shot patches from Ron Hoehn and others. I have been using these patches for years and they are the best patches I have ever used..


I also use the Pro-Shot patches, soft finish. Can be purchase directly from Pro-Shot.
Fred K
thanks for the input on the pro-shot patches. does anybody have a link to them? i'll try a few thousand of them as well. when i find something that works i tend to stick to it. so i'm open to all the help i can get from people who use these products. i'm still trying to find my cleaning process. so far the one piece rod,brass jag, bore giude and bore-tech will not change. the patches are what i'm searching for now.