I've been told bolt click is caused by not sizing the base enough. yes?
Anyways, bolt-click crept into my lot of Lapua 6BR brass after 5 or 6 firings...I have 800 pieces so it took a while (I think it took time for the base to stretch enough to start causing a problem, even though my loads are stiff for sure!). Eventually, I could not measure a difference in the diameter of the base (at the datum line) between fired and sized brass (but the shoulder was getting squeezed by about .001) so I sent some fired brass and Harrels die back to Harrels...the die they returned to me appears to sqeeze the body (and base) by about .0005" (1/2 thousands) more than the last one. Haven't tested newly sized brass yet, but I've heard that the brass has memory and even if the current die properly sizes the brass for that chamber, it is likely I will continue to get bolt click because of the brass memory. Anyone experience this?
The reason I ask is because I plan to take about 400 pieces this brass and size down to 20BR (next slated chambering for me). However, when I design the reamer, rather than mimic the body specs of my 6BR reamer, I'm thinking I should build in an extra .0005 or even .001 at the base datum line so I can continue using all this beautiful brass and not get bolt click...yet I should be able to keep using the same die (only with a different bushing for the 20 cal)...I hope.
Anyways, bolt-click crept into my lot of Lapua 6BR brass after 5 or 6 firings...I have 800 pieces so it took a while (I think it took time for the base to stretch enough to start causing a problem, even though my loads are stiff for sure!). Eventually, I could not measure a difference in the diameter of the base (at the datum line) between fired and sized brass (but the shoulder was getting squeezed by about .001) so I sent some fired brass and Harrels die back to Harrels...the die they returned to me appears to sqeeze the body (and base) by about .0005" (1/2 thousands) more than the last one. Haven't tested newly sized brass yet, but I've heard that the brass has memory and even if the current die properly sizes the brass for that chamber, it is likely I will continue to get bolt click because of the brass memory. Anyone experience this?
The reason I ask is because I plan to take about 400 pieces this brass and size down to 20BR (next slated chambering for me). However, when I design the reamer, rather than mimic the body specs of my 6BR reamer, I'm thinking I should build in an extra .0005 or even .001 at the base datum line so I can continue using all this beautiful brass and not get bolt click...yet I should be able to keep using the same die (only with a different bushing for the 20 cal)...I hope.