Bob's wife wanted me to post his condition,which is critical(i posted in the wrong place,sorry Wilbur) If questions call me at 409 718 6370. Robert Whitewood
I was real supprised after talking to him earlier this week. Why does it have to happen to the good guys. Bob didn't have a whole lot to say, but at the end of the day if he didn't win he was in the top 5.
We are certainly praying for him.
As Glenn said he will be very deeply missed in our Gulf Coast Region and as for where ever he shot !
He would always come and shake my hand our say hello. Even called me here at the house when I was short on primers and offerd me some just so I could make a shoot. Bob read BR posts but I dont think he ever posted anything..
For me to know Bob and to have him as a friend and a brother shooter is something our sport will deeply miss.
Even though he should be in a better place minus the pain my prayers go out to him, his family and friends
So sorry to hear of Bob's passing. I enjoyed talking to Bob at each Gulf Regional match I went to. A great competitor and a fine fellow. His kind are hard to replace in today's world.
Bob will certainly be missed in the Gulf Coast region. He loved shooting, especially loved shooting his rail gun and had been a top competitor for quite a number of years. It seemed like you always saw Bob's name at the top of the leader board.
There have been too many of our shooters leaving the range in the past few years. It's sure getting where I hate to look at a post with someone's name listed on the post. Our prayers and condolences go out to Bob's family.
One of the ways to take a measure of a man's life is to observe the behavior of the friends who hang around him. In the last weeks of Bob's life Robert Whitewood went daily to the hospital, stayed with Bob and nurtured him to the end. If I can have one friend like this I am blessed both with a companion in life and one who will mourn me in death. It is a tribute to Bob that he inspired such devotion in another. We all should be so lucky. Tim