Bob Barnhart 2008 ARA BR Champ



Bob good shooting in a tough bunch of shooters.
You did good-
Your SE Ohio Friends :):):):)

What rifle was Bob shooting and who smithed it?

Congrats to all of you guys and gals.

Way to go Bob!

Way to go to Joe Besche for getting second.

You did good Joe.

Also congrats to Darrel Barnes on his 3rd place finish.
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Great Champion

Congradulation Bob, you're a fine addition to the list of ARA National Champions, Welcome.

This is a "guess"
A Davis 40X/Benchmark
Them,maybe a Taylor40X/Lilja ??
As you see,I'm not sure.
JLG,or a smith or Bob could clear this up.:confused:
Congratulations Bob

Congratulations Bob
Great shooting
Hope you come to kettlefoot for the IR 50/50 3 Gun Nationals
September 27,28-2008

Hope to see you There

On your 1st place win Bob!! Also congrats to all the shooters and to the ARA Junior winner Chris Wells who was also # 24 overall, i understand! Way to go Bud!!!
Great shooting Bob. Going 8 targets with nothing below a 2125 is getting it done!
Congratulations Bob.............................................

It's hard to keep a good Marine down!! Hope to see you soon.
Semper Fi,
Hi Bob,
Great job of shooting Congratulations !! :D

Congratulations to All junior shooters and to Chris Wells for 1st place,
way to go.

Mike & Jan

Congratulations on your win at the ARA Nationals Bob. You did good.
Great shooting Bob, congratulations!! James, I was impressed with your preformance too. I hope to get back to shooting with you guys next year.
Thanks everyone for the kind words,I feel very lucky,as it was a very tight race,especialy after target #8,no time to fall down.with all the great shooters that were there. And congrads to all the junior shooters that were there keeping the heat on everyone,Great shooting to you all. I would like to thank GENE DAVIS for a smoking...Killer...Bad A....Suprieme rifle. Also Harry and Rick Taylor for the great ammo . Remington,Benchmark 17,3/4 .2targets eley, 6 with lapua,Thanks again Bob.:D:D

Iam dang proud of you for hanging in there.. I was glad to help on them last three targets... You worked hard... Harry..:):):)