Bloop tube

Hope you don't need to bring it to the worlds in the US....patent infringment issues, you know....8>)
Have experimented with Heinrich-tuners the past year but found that I wanted a more precise method for tuning my prone-rifle. I needed a longer line of sight then Cicognani originally offered so I made some specs for a custom-version to fit my Bleiker and it was no problem for Cicogniani to accommodate me. Great service from the Italians and I will be testing it during pre-season tryouts during the next couple of months.


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I really don't want to step in garrisone thread but I am an ISSF-style prone shooter and I have always been looking at the superb Bleiker. Could you please give me an idea of the accuracy you get with yours ?

As far as I'm concerned, I use a round 54 with a Schneider barrel threaded by Kenyon, in a 2213 Alu stock. I am happy when I can get 13mm average with this set-up.

Thanks in advance,

With my Bleiker I usually settle for 11-12mm (10 shot groups) on average when I am testing lots. I have shot the accasual group below 10mm (outer edge to outer edge) but they are rare. I do however try to keep track of the exit-velocities with a chrono to make sure that I can trace any potential flyers.

I know that Debevec settled for 16mm (50 shot-series) this spring when he tested at Eley so that should give you some idea of what type of groups you can expect for 50-shot groups.
Maybe I can clear up some of what my "friends" posted yesterday. First of all the tubes I make are not bloop tubes. They are called "Parallel Noodles". They were not invented By Bill Calfee. I have made and tested appx 20 prototypes the last two years. The Parallel Noodle is an aluminun or pvc tube appx 9 inches long. It screws into a Harrell tuner and is appx the same dia as a Harrell tuner. It has holes drilled in it so gas can escape. Some have a sliding weight on them and some don't. The sliding weight was Joe Youngblood's idea. I have given some to friends to test. Joe Besche has spent quite a bit of time testing them and had alot of success with the one he has been using. They have worked very well on some of my rifles and made no difference on others. As for theories, I don't know why they work but do agree with what Don Stith said. An 8 oz. weight and a 9 in tube that weighes 8 ozs. make a rifle react differently. Sorry Charlie, no "Spec Noodles" have been made. I will try to post a picture of some of them soon.
I have been told that I can't buy one for my rifle but if you are the man who made this piece of equipment then I would like to own one some how . It makes it even better that it wasn't made by Bill Calfee. garrisone.
Bloop Tubes

I saw some bloop tube tuners for sale at Ron Hoehn's shop when I attended the nationals. A man in our club uses one and does very well with it. .....Slim