Bill Pippin

Bill was a great friend and mentor to all of us at Kettlefoot. Many know him for his stock work and his world records, but do not know of all he did behind the scenes to promote Kettlefoot and Rimfire and Shotgun sports. Bill spent many hours and dollars to help build the Rimfire Range, before he was into rimfire he worked with Sporting Clays and helped build the IDPA bldg. He ran ARA matches and helped me learn how to run them when he turned them over to me. There is not enough space to recount all he has done to help me with IR50/50. Kettlefoot and Wayne have lost a great supporter and dear friend.
Wayne Wills
I have one of his stocks

One year at the Crawfish I was walking along and a gent said to me, "I made that stock for myself but sold it to a lad who was in need of it to get started in shooting, Do you want to sell it"? He then introduced himself. I was very pleased to meet him and always think of him every time I look at that rifle. Godspeed Bill.

Trader Bill!

Me & Pippin have made many Transactions ,he always was into any thing that would shoot and would sell it to anyone that wanted it ! His best transaction was at KettleFoot one evening when someone had a Tractor for sell ! Pippin bought it ! Before the match was over Pippin had sold it and no one had ever seen it ! Him and Hindgardner were going to a Prarie dog shoot in South Dakota and I had him on the phone and he said to me ,"You want a new 3 Lug Diorio Turbo ? I stubbled for a minute cause I had never seen one , but I bought it ! Sight unseen! I called him about 3 weeks later and told him to send that sucker to KSS ! He Did ! Dan got it and did not know it was coming and 15 Minutes later a guy from Australia called looking for one and Dan sold it to him ,sight unseen ! Pippin had a knack around folks that everybody trusted him to the fullest ! He still has the Record for a 250/25X`s outdoors and that is the only one ever shot! RIP my Friend!
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