Bill Myers in Hospital


Bill Myers

Bill was admitted to Winchester Medical Center yesterday afternoon for emergency surgery. He came through it well and his prognosis is very good. However, he's going to be in the hospital for a week and won't be back to his old self for awhile. For those of you who have sent work to him, please give me a call around the end of this week and I'll have a better idea of how long it's going to take him to get back in the groove. Making sure his custom rifle work got done was a huge concern for him yesterday when he probably should have been contemplating his own mortality -- but it was an excellent distraction. So, if you've discussed sending a gun to him for work, please hold off and if you have already done so, please contact me in a few days and I'll have more information to share.

His work is what keeps him happy and his shooting friendships are what motivate him to get up every morning.

I'll keep you posted.

Bill Myers

I'm sorry to hear Bill had this emergency. I wish him the best, and a quick recovery. Inez, please keep us posted. Thanks,


Thanks for the call this morning Inez about Bill's condition, and I know that everyone out there that frequents this forum will be watching and hoping for his quick recovery. As you are able, be sure to remind him of his many friends and our hopes for his quick return to the work he loves so much. We will all be anxious to hear updates of his improving condition as time goes on. Get well quickly Bill!

Bill and Inez. Was sorry to hear about Bill's surgery. Hope all is going well and Bill has a speedy recovery. We will keep you in our prayers.
Bill was admitted to Winchester Medical Center yesterday afternoon for emergency surgery. He came through it well and his prognosis is very good. However, he's going to be in the hospital for a week and won't be back to his old self for awhile. For those of you who have sent work to him, please give me a call around the end of this week and I'll have a better idea of how long it's going to take him to get back in the groove. Making sure his custom rifle work got done was a huge concern for him yesterday when he probably should have been contemplating his own mortality -- but it was an excellent distraction. So, if you've discussed sending a gun to him for work, please hold off and if you have already done so, please contact me in a few days and I'll have more information to share.

His work is what keeps him happy and his shooting friendships are what motivate him to get up every morning.

I'll keep you posted.

Inez: Hope Bill is doing fine-I just talked to him a short while ago. Keep us posted on how he is doing. garrisone.
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Get well soon! It's hard to keep a good man down and with Inez's help and care we'll see ya on the firing line before we know it.
Keep O'Bill under your wing Inez .Get well soon buddy
Gerald Higdon aka. Higgins
Sorry to hear about Bill,
Cyndi and I both wish him a quick recovery.
We will keep you both in our prayres.
Tell him to do what the Doc says.
Tell Bill I wish him the best, and to get well as soon as he can. He knows I always aggravate him a lot when I see him, but he also knows it's just because I like him and it's all in fun. Bill's got a good sense of humor, and it's always good to see him. He will be in our prayers. Tell him to take it easy when he gets home for a spell. It's Winter, he needs a little rest.
I hope for the best for Bill and you too Inez, if I can help just call.
Bill, Here's wishing you a complete and speedy recovery! Inez, keep us posted when you can.

Bill Myers

Take care and get better soon! Inez, slow him down and make sure he does what he's supposed to. Am still looking forward to seeing ya'll at the Crawfish, this year. Thumper:
It saddens me to hear the news Inez and pray that everything will be fine for Bill. Wishing you a full recovery Bill and you both are in my prayers.

Take Care,

Tell Bill to behave and get well quick. I know he's a handfull, make sure he follows doctor's orders and doesn't over do on the gun work when he gets home. Please keep us posted. Looking forward to seeing you both soon.

Ken & Cherie

Please pass onto Bill our sincere hope for a speedy and complete recovery.. If there is anything we can do, please do not hesitate to call on us..

Dave & Pat Smith
Bradenton, Florida